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Amy's in the race!


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People use LibVan as an excuse for their own failings. At the public meeting for the South Douglas candidates at the 2011 general election, whenever someone queried Bill Malarkey, his supporters (that formidable family of females were on the front row) would turn on them and accuse them of being "LibVan".


You wanna be a victim and you're looking for someone, anyone, to blame...blame LibVan.

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When it comes to having a go at Beercroft and the way that she operates Burns is demonstrating once again that, in common parlance, she hasn't got a clue.


There's a massive amount more involved than coming up with ideas and attempting to fight them through.


There's flushing out matters that are being hidden that should be disclosed, there's exposing where plans are going wrong and should be at least reconsidered, there's - well a very great deal more than just coming up with ideas no matter how good they might be, and especially when they sound nice, maybe even would be nice, but simply can not be afforded.


Then there is the matter of character assassination. There is a place for character assassination in parliaments but these are few and far between.


Burns fails at ever turn. She is patently unqualified to take up any role in politics because she simply doesn't understand the nature of the job., in fact looking at the brief and highly partial CV that she offers I sincerely doubt if there is a job other than serving behind the counter of a small shop she IS suited for.


Earlier I commented that her making such a laughing stock of herself, for that is what she has now become, bodes ill for what her kids will face in school playgrounds for years to come.


She should have realised that she was unsuited for the role she is trying for long ago and should have quietly bowed out. That she did not speaks volumes about just what an unsuitable candidate for any political role she is. Especially for not realising what the fall out will be for her kids in the future.


When someone makes such a fool of themselves as Burns continues to do is a thing that on the Island more than most places will not be readily forgotten. Even if she is elected to the seat, heaven forfend, she is obviously putting herself before the risks she is creating for her family, kids can be very cruel as her kids, sad to say, are going to find out.

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I know it's wrong (or at least, I think it's wrong), but given that most of us here spend most of our time here whingeing about CoMin and IOMG generally, it is a not completely unreasonable inference to draw.

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Approach her she is the most approachable person I know

I wouldn't bother if I were you Rox.


During the last somewhat laughable foray she had on here she was bleating on about how people hide behind anonymity on here. That they wouldn't dare surface to contact her drivel drivel drivel etc etc


So I emailed the lady to point out a lot of us are actually well known but also I was interested as to why she had such a problem with anonymity. After all, to campaign she'll have to meet and greet a lot of folks who are, effectively to her, completely unknown.


I was absolutely AMAZED when she didn't reply not...


I just spoke to her to ask and she said she didnt receive anything accept one off a girl who asked her why she was Nigel Farage to which she replied thanks dont really know what to say to that




Seems OK to me. So either:


It was lost by the server (100/1)


It was lost amongst all the e-mail chaff in her inbox - sycophants, acolytes, stalkers, OK Magazine etc (50/1)


Microchip did not contact her (Evens)


Amy didn't bother replying (5/1)


But then for some reason it's a hotmail account.


From: "That Nice Peter Karran" <xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx>..To: <aimes82@hotmail.co.uk>..Subject: Manxforums..Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 12:29:05 -0000..MIME-Version: 1.0..Content-Type: multipart/alternative;...boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00D8_01D02A75.8711DF20"..X-Priority: 3..X-MSMail-Priority: Normal..X-Mailer: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6002.18197..X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.0.6002.18463....This is a multi-part message in MIME format.....------=_NextPart_000_00D8_01D02A75.8711DF20..Content-Type: text/plain;...charset="Windows-1252"..Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit....Hello Amy,

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Seems OK to me. So either:


It was lost by the server (100/1)


It was lost amongst all the e-mail chaff in her inbox - sycophants, acolytes, stalkers, OK Magazine etc (50/1)


Microchip did not contact her (Evens)


Amy didn't bother replying (5/1)


But then for some reason it's a hotmail account.


From: "That Nice Peter Karran" <xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx>..



She didn't reply because:


She has never heard of you (10/1)


She has heard of you (100/1 on) tongue.png

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Oh no. Beecroft is now making people consider taking their lives and only Amy is capable of talking them down. It must be a bit like Lethal Weapon 1 in South Douglas some nights where Amy as the half mad Riggs has to deal with all these crazy jumpers driven half mad by the shenanigans of the Liberal Vannin party.


Not so much rude as DELUDED.


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