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Amy's in the race!


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What is the point of all this? It will cause lot of cost to the taxpayer - why didn't they just wait until the general election to join the legislative council?


Because the Island will sink into the sea unless we have a full complement of wise and very, very important men in the Legislative Council. There would be no one to Advise, Revise and Scrutinise all the work and legislation carried out by the House of Keys.


Actually - and trying to be serious about it - the fact that it is taking members from the House of Keys to fill the vacancies in the Legislative Council anyway, and then bringing in 'newbies' (except maybe Bill Malarkey of course because he is one of the greatest statesmen this Island has known, in the world, ever, and who is ready to "hit the ground running") just demonstrates completely the needlessness and waste of time and money this election is causing and how farcical the whole antiquated system of Tynwald and their oh so important Legislative Council really is.

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We really do need a "none of the above" option; then, if enough people vote that way, we should get an empty seat.

Yep, a self size regulating democracy. A "none of the above" constutuency is joined on with one next to it and so it goes, until the 24 Keys gets less and less and finds it's natural level.


Probably utill all we have left is Peter Karran and that young boozey fella from Rushen, shouting at each other from each side of the House of Keys. Oh, and a full Legislative Council to advise, revise and scrutinise them.

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We need to get real here, I was looking at the UK election and the seats available, in comparison with areas say in Ulster, the size of their constituencies and number of members, it's 18 and 18 MPs, here we have 14 constituencies and 24 MHKs, plus 9 MLCs [ un-elected ], so with all this mass of brain power, why are we in such a mess, in Scotland there is one constituency mentioned in the debate on BBC Scotland the other night, which is the size of Ulster, yet has only one MP, so is it time we cut our cloth according to our means, just think of how much we could save here.

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To refer to people as the disability that they have is crass stupidity.

Quite - it's as bad as referring to foreign people as ethnics.

Totally different. Referring to foreigners as 'ethnics' at worst is an abbreviation to the description 'ethnic minority'.


Referring to someone by their disability is a different matter entirely. It dehumanised them and devalues them, a thing that anyone with even a modicum of common sense let alone education would instantly recognise.


Maybe that's the reason that you didn't.

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None of the above. That should be an option on the voting slip and if that has the majority the seat goes for the term. Win win cheap and ridding us of stupid dross in control.


Interesting idea, I can't help think Tynwald would be empty though.

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