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Amy's in the race!


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None of the above. That should be an option on the voting slip and if that has the majority the seat goes for the term. Win win cheap and ridding us of stupid dross in control.


Interesting idea, I can't help think Tynwald would be empty though.



Sounds good to me.

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So, go on then, seeing as nothing is happening here until someone says something somewhere about someone and someone posts it here and all hell breaks loose again...


Would someone who thinks they know tell me what would happen if everyone just didn't vote at this by-election or the forthcoming election.


I'm not advocating it and I know I keep banging on about it but voting for the last twenty years hasn't seemed to change anything much and I'm struggling to see why no-one appears to think it is a good idea?


What would actually happen if not enough people voted?

If there were no votes at all then I'm pretty sure that what would happen would be the same as what occurs if two or more candidates have exactly the same number of votes (which indeed they would....nil). The tied candidates (in this illustration, all of them) draw lots to see who is elected. The Returning Officer would find an appropriate way to do this - let us say unused ballot papers in a bag, one only bears a cross placed by the RO and the candidate who draws that one from the bag is elected. I'm not sure of the drawing lots mechanism but that's definitely how a tie is resolved.


ETA - just to avoid confusion, I didn't mean that the RO actually chooses who wins by putting a cross against their name! The RO would find some mechanism whereby each candidate drew a "lot" with one of those lots differentiated in some way...whoever draws that particular lot is elected.

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.....so in others words, even no votes whatsoever cast by the public would still result in a candidate being returned. What a fantastic message/news item though!

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None of the above. That should be an option on the voting slip and if that has the majority the seat goes for the term. Win win cheap and ridding us of stupid dross in control.

You are right in theory Bees. None of the above is about registering a protest vote (which is great) and lots would exercise that right if given to them: but someone still has to get in. Imagine a scenario where out of 5,000 votes in S.Douglas: 4,500 where for "None of the above" and 500 were for Amy Burns De Yoxall? Your nightmare candidate would still get in as they are they only physical person who can take the position up. Unless it is proposed that the election is re-run and re-run until the votes for physical people outnumber the "None of the aboves" which could be costly indeed? It's a bit like people like Rob Callister getting in unopposed just because nobody could be arsed standing against them. Sadly there isn't an easy answer. Maybe it's better just having a Lee Harvey Oswald character picking off the ones we don't like to discourage the sorry band of chaff we seem to attract from putting their names forward in the first place?

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When it comes to important decisions and responsible thinking/acting it would be good to see some sort of vetting or at least a pre-defined entry criteria. Even an understudy or mentorship for potential candidates with a mandatory points system to cover things like conduct, ethics, leadership.

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When it comes to important decisions and responsible thinking/acting it would be good to see some sort of vetting or at least a pre-defined entry criteria. Even an understudy or mentorship for potential candidates with a mandatory points system to cover things like conduct, ethics, leadership.


Yeah, let's get the old guard to vet their replacements! Or senior civil servants could test them on their ability to act on suggestions from senior civil servants! Or the UK Government could vet them to make sure they have a range of policies that support the UK Government's.


That's a truly terrible idea. The current Keys would look around and decide what's needed is people like them (look who they choose for Legco if you don't believe me). They'll draw up a set of criteria that'll get more and more people like them. Gradually those rules will tighten, until we have a very tight subset of society eligible to stand, the masses would get to pick from that elite, but it'd be hobson's choice.

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None of the above. That should be an option on the voting slip and if that has the majority the seat goes for the term. Win win cheap and ridding us of stupid dross in control.

You are right in theory Bees. None of the above is about registering a protest vote (which is great) and lots would exercise that right if given to them: but someone still has to get in. Imagine a scenario where out of 5,000 votes in S.Douglas: 4,500 where for "None of the above" and 500 were for Amy Burns De Yoxall? Your nightmare candidate would still get in as they are they only physical person who can take the position up. Unless it is proposed that the election is re-run and re-run until the votes for physical people outnumber the "None of the aboves" which could be costly indeed? It's a bit like people like Rob Callister getting in unopposed just because nobody could be arsed standing against them. Sadly there isn't an easy answer. Maybe it's better just having a Lee Harvey Oswald character picking off the ones we don't like to discourage the sorry band of chaff we seem to attract from putting their names forward in the first place?

Yes, I got in unopposed and I was grateful for the opportunity at the time because I wasn't well known in or around the village.


During the 2012 Local Authority Elections, there was only 16 contests held in 12 of the Island's 24 local authorities.


There were even fewer contests in 2008, so most Local Authority Members are elected unopposed.


I would hope people don't think I have wasted that opportunity and that I have served Onchan well in the last four years.

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The real solution here is to better educate voters. Nothing about Isle of Man's politics is taught in the schools. And yet Carol Ann Duffy's talentless poems are required reading. It does make you wonder about our priorities.

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