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Amy's in the race!


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We really do need a "none of the above" option; then, if enough people vote that way, we should get an empty seat.

Preferable to having an empty vessel occupy the seat.

If she got in though it would be joyous watching Claire Christian put some manners on her!



Only for Ms Burns to remind Ms Christian (inc. Tynwald and Hansard) of the radioactive sheep movements.


This loose cannon won't stand on ceremony and with her background of investigative journalism - re: access to the MT phone/internet records - how many would be that squeaky clean as to challenge her in open Court?


I think Buster's indiscretions will pale into insignificance.



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Ok so not a mentor program but at least something in place to weed out the fantastically unsuitable and to at least give some confidence that a candidate has the fundamentals covered.

What is needed is a trap door under every MHK's seat in Keys. The moment one of them starts talking bollocks,proposing petty stealth taxes or eying a LegCo seat a lever gets pulled and that member disappears from view,never to be seen again. They would soon get the hang of it.

I sometimes think moaners like you would only be happy in a dictatorship.

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Vote Amy


I have to retract my earlier statements that she is unsuitable for public office and agree that it would be a hoot. Given how ineffective all the IOM's politicians are, including well-meaning ones such as Beecroft and Karran, there might as well be some comedy value.


Vote Amy

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I've not seen any candidates in my area.


That's a shame because I'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say.


Do we have a minifesto yet for Amy Burns?

You'll learn a great deal more about what Burns would bring by reading her 'facebook'.

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If Amy is elected - and it remains a possibility - then Tynwald is going to be great


I can't wait


Here's what will happen in the unfortunate event that she wins: on her first day in Tynwald, a few of the boys will take her to one side and gently but firmly explain to her that if she does anything funny, they will end her so hard, her grand children's grand children won't be able to show their faces on the island. As she has never earned that much dosh and had such an easy job, she will happily agree and become one of them faster than you can say "bollocks I told you so".

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Ok so not a mentor program but at least something in place to weed out the fantastically unsuitable and to at least give some confidence that a candidate has the fundamentals covered.

What is needed is a trap door under every MHK's seat in Keys. The moment one of them starts talking bollocks,proposing petty stealth taxes or eying a LegCo seat a lever gets pulled and that member disappears from view,never to be seen again. They would soon get the hang of it.

I sometimes think moaners like you would only be happy in a dictatorship.


If you truly believe that I haven't got just cause to be extremely critical of our present Govt and it's farcical,antiquated non democratic,non transparent and self serving manner then I think you need to reevaluate what is clear to see before your eyes.


Take todays latest episode of the disgraceful farce that is the Leg Co elections as just one example.


I had greater hopes of this current administration when it was first elected,but it was very soon made apparent that my hopes of anything of a better nature were wishful thinking.


Show me good governance and I will gladly applaud it.

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