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Amy's in the race!


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There are 4 candidates let's not forget;

In alphabetical order,

Buckholz, once a member of LibVan, left after failing to win endorsement as their candidate. Independent

Burns, once delivered some leaflets for Kate Beecroft. Failed campaign to stop toilet tax and nursery grant decisions. Independent

Fitton, member of LV. Charity worker. LibVan candidate.

Malarkey, once a LibVan member, left shortly after being elected under the LV ticket. Lost the election in 2011 to KB. Independent.

All their manifestos are available now.

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"Attention needs turned to our education system and improvements sought so we are inline and keeping with our UK counterparts giving us an education system to be proud of once again. Children are our future, they are an investment worth making."


Indeed it does my dear....indeed it does.

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If this theory wasn't true then surely a talentless, degenerate, shitbag like Russell Brand would have hung himself years ago....






How Russ would like to see himself....





How others see him....







(Courtesy of Private Eye magazine)

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How Russ would like to see himself....


attachicon.gifWrong brand.jpg


I really do find him repulsive. He's the sort of fake "socialist" who's just doing it to be trendy. If this was Nazi Germany, you can bet he'd be parading around in a brownshirt. Then again, there's very little difference between the new socialism of our day and Nazism.

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Burns, once delivered some leaflets for Kate Beecroft. Failed campaign to stop toilet tax and nursery grant decisions. Independent



Probably thought she was campaigning for Liberal Tannin'.

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Now even MR are bullying her.

Will she tab their IP,

Will she flood their comments page with items about her children,

Will she threaten their subvention,

Will she cry,

Will she fuck, she will rant on her closed FB page to her mates and get lots of likes which will then turn into votes.

Dream on.

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What's that psychological disorder called in which someone thinks that everyone is out to get them?


Burns is taking it to such extremes now that I wouldn't be surprised if it was replaced by a syndrome named after her.


But I repeat, I really do feel sorry for her kids, they will suffer for years from their peers because of her antics. Obviously her ego comes before her family. Vile woman.

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