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Indonesia and the killing of the drug ssmugglers


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Much as I dislike drug use and the scum who facilitate it I can't help but feel that imposing the death penalty for it is wrong.


The English woman who looks like being next in line to be shot causes me even more disquiet not only because of the sentence imposed but the circumstances surrounding the case.



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A country already has the death penalty in place if you break their drug laws. It is no good going over to that country to break their laws then complain about the punishment.

I find it easier to not smuggle drugs into or out of Indonesia.

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Im am sure that Indonesia has an absolutely incorruptible police and judicial system then ensures that each of these convictions is water tight and beyond further scrutiny.....


To be fair these are people that tend to be caught with 40 condoms of heroin in their stomachs, there's not a lot to really assess. If you visit any country like this with very harsh drug laws you are made aware of that before you go there.

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Whether it is right or wrong is debatable, what is not debatable is that these are the laws in that country, the people knew the risks and went ahead with it anyway. Moral of the story, want to live and not be executed for smuggling drugs, Then don't smuggle drugs in the first place.

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I've been to Indonesia (Jakarta) about three times. On one of those occasions the taxi I was in was stopped by a policeman and I had to pay him about the equivalent of £20. I have no idea what might have happened had I declined to pay.


The death penalty is bad enough in countries with a decent legal system - nobody's criminal justice system is infallible. In these shitholes, who knows how much corruption there is

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The pre-meditated and deliberate killing of another person is wrong in almost all circumstances. It follows that these executions are wrong, and that the death penalty is wrong, full stop.


It isn't unique by any means for the death-penalty to be imposed for crimes other than murder. As we are only too aware, it can be imposed summarily and savagely in some countries for adultery, apostasy and other things that by any civilised standard should not even be crimes.


So on the scale of justifications, Indonesia has a stronger argument in favour of the unjustifiable than several other states.


If I was a drug-smuggler, I imagine that I would be the type of person who tolerated, and perhaps even savoured, high risk situations. On a practical level, if a country wants to deter drug-smuggling, then I would have thought that a high rate of detection, arrest and conviction weighs more heavily than simply having a brutal penalty. A perception that they stand a high chance of being caught and banged up in some rank prison for years would work just as well.

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Much as I dislike drug use and the scum who facilitate it I can't help but feel that imposing the death penalty for it is wrong.


The English woman who looks like being next in line to be shot causes me even more disquiet not only because of the sentence imposed but the circumstances surrounding the case.





My first thought is a question.


Was this execution-fest sanctioned by god?

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The supply of hard-core drugs like heroin IS a death penalty. If it's OK for drug dealers to sentence people to death then I've no problem with it being done to them.


every time this happens a lawyer pops up with a sob story about how it all happened accidentally. While I'm sure some people are framed by unscrupulous cops, a quick look at the persons history will give good indication of their likely guilt.

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It's simple really. A few years back, I went to Singapore, and the landing card had a simple statement, in RED, drug smugglers are executed in Singapore.


Too late. It should say, "if you have drugs we will catch you as you enter. We know who you are. Give yourself up before you land and we will send you home.


But no. They want to catch smugglers, execute them, and be re-elected..


I dont get it.


No state should have a right to take a life. No person should have the right to take the life of another. Life is the only thing we have. Without life we dont exist.


My life is mine. It's the only thing I have that is mine.

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  • 5 weeks later...

But if you smuggle drugs that ultimately kill other people then you forfeit your right to life.

Forfeit the right to life, but should the forfeiture to the right mean that in this case, with all the assorted factors involved, is the death sentence on this particular person be appropriate?

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Much as I dislike drug use and the scum who facilitate it I can't help but feel that imposing the death penalty for it is wrong.


The English woman who looks like being next in line to be shot causes me even more disquiet not only because of the sentence imposed but the circumstances surrounding the case.





My first thought is a question.


Was this execution-fest sanctioned by god?


He works in mysterious ways,allegedly.

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My life is mine. It's the only thing I have that is mine.

You would find that the state probably disputes even this. I have posted elsewhere that I advocate the death sentence for murderers where identity is beyond doubt, but I don't agree with the execution of some of the people who fall foul of the kind of drugs laws they have in some parts of the far east. They are invariably vulnerable cases who have been coerced or tempted into being mules and the real criminals in charge take no chances and get off scot-free. If there was a way to apply the sanction to the Mr Bigs then that would be ideal.

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