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Trade Union Recognition


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USDAW .. the shop workers Union .. are, according to today's Independent, claiming the Shoprite group are planning to derecognise the Union at the former Morrison's store in Douglas.

If this claim turns out to be fact, what mechanisms, if any, are available to the workforce to restore the status quo ?

I have checked tonight and it turns out the Isle of Man is bound by various ILO conventions to allow its citizens the right to organize and form Trade Unions.

This, of course, is a tacit recognition of the primacy of democracy. Democracy is not and should not be limited to a small group of people in a parliament... otherwise we have the antithesis of a democratic society

Experience in other places and at other times would suggest the manner in which Trade Unions, and other democratic mass membership organisations, are allowed to function is the measure of a nation's commitment to citizenship rights / responsibilities and democracy.

I hope very much that there is no substance in the story and an Isle of Man based company will not be allowed to deny its workers the right to organise.

If the story turns out to be factual perhaps people should consider a boycott of the store ?

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So does (good old) Shoprite not recognise any union?


Is Tesco is the place to shop if you care about rights?


The Tesco/Usdaw Partnership exists to help look after Tesco staff so that they can look after their customers.


Will Manx Radio and the newspaper investigate the background to this? Seems like an interesting story. I'd be interested to know the pros and cons.

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If this allegation is true the workers at Shoprite's food for less store in Market Street should all join Bernie Moffat's TGWU!


Like Mr. Moffat or loathe him, he looks after the workers rights and is not afraid to stand up to ANY SO CALLED MANAGEMENT TEAM...


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On the other hand: Isn't it better if people join a union which represents people who work in the same field. USDAW is a modern pro market and forward looking union which has good relationships with the employers.


Tesco recognises USDAW - and they have good things to say about each other and the mutually beneficial relationship. Also (off island) ditto Sainsbury, Waitrose, Sommerfield and Morrissons. Even, down market and slightly crappy, ASDA recognises USDAW - though ASDA (owned by Walmart) is, apparently, a bit iffy about unions, rights etc.


If Shoprite really doesn't recognise unions (and I only have this thread to go on - so I'm not jumping to any conclusions yet) then I might be thinking again about where I ever shop on the IOM. I'd like to see the local press investigate and report on the pros and cons. The issue would be a good test of the local media which also takes advertising from Shoprite. But Shoprite has nowhere else to advertise so the media could afford to be impartial.


If Shoprite really doesn't recognise the main shopworkers' union then I'd be interested to know their official thinking. And I'd like to see that official thinking represented by a spoke talking head to head with an USDAW spoke. The kind of thing which Manx Radio ought to be doing.


The best shops have a good relationship with the unions. Personally I find Shoprite rather depressing. A few years ago it got, briefly, better. But it's a bit crap these days. IMO.


EDIT: PS - just to be clear - Shoprite is no more Manx than is Tesco. Shoprite also employs confusing pricing - in so much as some items are priced per pack - whilst other items are priced per Kilo - whilst other items are priced under the old imperial system. And the source of the produce isn't always clear at Shoprite ... sometimes only where the goods were packed. In these days of databases - there is no good reason for not stating the price per unit weight in metric of the goods and the country of origin. The place where the goods were packed is a non issue.

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I agree with you on almost all of your issues, I have no axe to grind with USDAW whatsoever and I believe they are a fantastic union.


But let's face reality and remember we are in the Isle of Man and where is USDAW's representation on the Isle of Man? and how many members do they have?


United we stand devided we fall!


Join a local Union and reap the benefits of somebody that is in tune with local politics/issues!


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  • 3 years later...

ok here's a blast from the past... resurrected cos I did a search like all good forum members do...


Trade Unions on the Isle of Man. Recommend me do please. A bunch of us at work (financial services) are concerned enough to be considering joining a union but know very little other than what can be gathered from the web. Looking for some personal recommendation and experiences. Had a look at Amicus/Unite. I know they've been here recruiting members in the past but I see very nothing regarding their experience or services on the IOM. Any info at all appreciated.

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On the other hand: Isn't it better if people join a union which represents people who work in the same field. USDAW is a modern pro market and forward looking union which has good relationships with the employers.


Isn't that what a union is? Do you mean people in the same trade or people in the same industry? I am personally not a fan of unions at all as they do not truly serve the interests of the worker, but better to have them than not. I far prefer the structure and politics of the Industrial Workers of the World (http://www.iww.org/ http://www.iww.org.uk/) of which I am a member, and it is cheap to join too. But given that they are not recognised by any employer it is better to join a union as well.


If Shoprite really doesn't recognise the main shopworkers' union then I'd be interested to know their official thinking. And I'd like to see that official thinking represented by a spoke talking head to head with an USDAW spoke. The kind of thing which Manx Radio ought to be doing.


If it is true it should be publicised and campaigned about. If it doesn't recognise the union then what unions will it recognised and what if you were a member of this union?

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On the other hand: Isn't it better if people join a union which represents people who work in the same field. USDAW is a modern pro market and forward looking union which has good relationships with the employers.


Isn't that what a union is? Do you mean people in the same trade or people in the same industry? I am personally not a fan of unions at all as they do not truly serve the interests of the worker, but better to have them than not. I far prefer the structure and politics of the Industrial Workers of the World (http://www.iww.org/) of which I am a member, and it is cheap to join too. But given that they are not recognised by any employer it is better to join a union as well.

Expect a reply sometime in June 2013.

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Someone should tell MacDonalds that people have a right to be in a union their record in workers rights to unions and victimisation of union members is appauling


Yeah I know. And I remember being told that in Subway the staff were heavily discouraged from joining a union. Is it the case in the U.S. that an employer can fire you if you join a union? I know that is not the case here.

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Someone should tell MacDonalds that people have a right to be in a union their record in workers rights to unions and victimisation of union members is appauling


Yeah I know. And I remember being told that in Subway the staff were heavily discouraged from joining a union. Is it the case in the U.S. that an employer can fire you if you join a union? I know that is not the case here.

I think a fair compromise would be that if anyone working at McDonalds or Subway can spell 'union' they should be allowed to join one.

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I don't think they can ban union membership, as you say it is a free country. But they don't have to recognise the Union.



European Convention on Human Rights (now applies in IOM)


Article 11

1Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join TRADE UNIONS for the protection of his interests.

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Unite have members in all types of jobs. Do you want to be represented by a union with or without an office in the Isle of Man? Surely it is more important for you to be represented by someone who understands Manx employment law than someone who knows the ins and outs of your particular job.

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Unite have members in all types of jobs. Do you want to be represented by a union with or without an office in the Isle of Man? Surely it is more important for you to be represented by someone who understands Manx employment law than someone who knows the ins and outs of your particular job.


Preferably a union that has experience representing people on the island and therefore understands Manx employment law.

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