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Is It Possible To Find Love On The Isle Of Man

Guest King Orry

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I've always wondered about that...how the hell do you pick someone up in the supermarket? (waits for the comedy jokes about throwing them over your shoulder!)



I live in NZ and over here I've heard that it's the way you place the bananas in the trolley, if they are facing up you are single...true. Depending on the supermarket it is one night a week, Thursdays or Tuesdays.


Never knew the shopping in your basket could have so much symbolism.


Reminds me of that harsh joke:-


Guy sees a miserable lonely looking girl in the supermarket, Carrying a small shopping basket with a microwave meal for one, big bar of chocolate and a box of tissues in it. She seems really withdrawn, and lacking in self confidence.


He turns to her, and says "Single?"


She looks up, and smiles, suddenly seeming a lot happier. "Yes, how did you know"?


Guy replies "It was easy to tell....you're f@cking minging".

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Your just annoyed because she managed to answer you back aren't you?

lol If you ever saw her in the street, you wouldnt ever think of another woman again!


Plus you got completely owned by a 16-yr old. I would give up trying now!



I thought you said you only saw girl89 as a mate? Seems someone else is putting into words their feelings in a covert way.........


I think Girl89 (who BTW I think is a sound person as she's prepared to help others out) is capable of sticking up for herself.


However, there does seem to be a lot of gloating, mob mentality, and one upmanship from a few other people on here though. One thing I do hate about forums as with society is the way that if someone sl@gs off a popular person, everyone bands together and starts a witchhunt, while if an unpopular person is sl@gged, it's AOK. Me, I'll just argue with anyone generally.

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there's nothing wrong with peel girls, they're smashing, can't get enough of them! and yeh, stop fawning over the girl, she's got youse wrapped..come down on saturday orry, the sun'll be out, the sea'll be wet, just like monaco! with the viking festival on yer might even pull a nice dane! see ya down the pev fella

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Yes well i think we have all realised its not a good idea picking on girl89!  :huh:



But why is that a valid excuse for picking on someone else. 2 rights do not make a wrong. Though I do not feel it was fair or true what he said about Girl89, the thread from then on stinks of a mob mentality, with loads of people using sticking up for a mate to unleash their vindictive streaks (which we all have) on someone, without fear of reproach cos everyone else is doing it.

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well, i don't think you can find love here. I've tried - oh dear god have I tried. I have just recently come out of a 3 year relationship that was founded on the internet (the shame!), my ex lived across and moved over 2 weeks after meeting and we lived together for 2½ fantastic years and 6 months of not so good. After a pretty much mutual split he has moved onto another relationship and I'm still picking up the pieces of my life (sob sob) but I'm movin on, got a good attitude now and looking forward to my life, but so not thinking about a relationship right now. Main reasons, i'm not in the best of shape - ie i'm a complete heffer! and don't know if I could trust anyone just yet. Would be nice to have a best friend who was a single male so I could go out and have some fun and a bit of friendly flirting.


I'm one of those people who have "a great personality", "would look so pretty if she just lost some weight" and "you're so funny" - none of which get a man into bed! dammit!! Which is odd, cos a mate once said to me that he thought "fat girls were better in bed becuase they had more to prove".


So, if you are a chubby chaser, like a giggle, and enjoy life - HI ;)

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That just suggests that you're not quite ready for a committed relationship yet.



Too damn right!!!!


Why on earth are we all told that in order to be fufilled or 'normal', we must be in a relationship?


Think if I was with someone, it would have to be one of those things where you hardly ever see them, and no-one actually realises you are an item. No way I could have time for a relationship otherwise. They're so restricitive on your life.

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Why doesn't that surprise me?


Even if I don't know you, I think any partner you do manage to trap will be fairly obvious.



quite clearly not, as they're the one to trap me. Perhaps if my partners are so obvious, then you could name them all so we can see if you're correct in your assumptions oh wise one.....

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