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North Korea - Cabinet Reshuffle

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excuse my ignorance but could you explain a little more please al?

I have been following the presidential nominations in the US. There are people standing for nomination that could only be described as mad. Simply mad.

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I would be more worried about the U.S. than N.K. they seem to keep themselves to themselves, Whereas the U.S. and it's cohorts have quite a track record for invading sovereign states and killing its civilians.



“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”



― Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda

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The British in India (and others elsewhere) sometimes used a method of execution called 'blowing from a gun' where a person was tied with their back to the muzzle of a field artillery piece. Head and limbs would apparently fly a great distance as the gun discharged. It was used by the British into the late 19th century.



Not being able to bury/burn a complete corpse was also a deliberate insult to the culture, hence the method of execution.


But it achieved its intended results. When dealing with rats one has to descend into the gutter.



Rats? You mean those who opposed the British Raj?

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The British in India (and others elsewhere) sometimes used a method of execution called 'blowing from a gun' where a person was tied with their back to the muzzle of a field artillery piece. Head and limbs would apparently fly a great distance as the gun discharged. It was used by the British into the late 19th century.



Not being able to bury/burn a complete corpse was also a deliberate insult to the culture, hence the method of execution.

But it achieved its intended results. When dealing with rats one has to descend into the gutter.

Rats? You mean those who opposed the British Raj?

In the manner in which they did - yes.

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in which manner should they have opposed it, in your view spookster?

By negotiation.



Oh, yeah. Cos that's how the British gained control of their empire, isn't it? You're a twat.


The British colonies mostly were granted independence as a result of negotiations.


It is a sad reflection on the natives that having got what independence they then set about changing what they had been given into what they naturally wanted which is why the African nations are a collection of uncivilised tribal hell holes.

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The British colonies mostly were granted independence as a result of negotiations.


It is a sad reflection on the natives that having got what independence they then set about changing what they had been given into what they naturally wanted which is why the African nations are a collection of uncivilised tribal hell holes.



Former colonies did not want instability or any other problems but that is what you often get when the native government is not powerful enough to maintain a monopoly on force after the withdrawal of a colonial power. Your explanation is retarded and racist. I must say that I really despise you.

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The British colonies mostly were granted independence as a result of negotiations.

It is a sad reflection on the natives that having got what independence they then set about changing what they had been given into what they naturally wanted which is why the African nations are a collection of uncivilised tribal hell holes.


Former colonies did not want instability or any other problems but that is what you often get when the native government is not powerful enough to maintain a monopoly on force after the withdrawal of a colonial power. Your explanation is retarded and racist. I must say that I really despise you.

I really don't care. Have you been to any of the independent African former UK colonies? It has nothing to do with the ability of native governments having the power to govern and everything to do with the natural proclivity for dishonesty and racialism amongst the natives to an extent that White people who have not seen and witnessed it simply can to comprehend.


Different races of people differ in a whole lot more than skin color. People may not like to think it is so, but it is.


Evolution affects more than just physical characteristics, evolution genetically shapes personality to fit in to different societies and those successful personalities reinforce societies in a constant interaction.

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