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21 yr old Boston Bomber to be given death penalty


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So what was it, then, this bombing, some sort of 'false-flag' operation?

Without a doubt,,,followed this case from the start 2 years ago.....BTW his legal team admitted he did it, check out the team he has representing him and their connections....


He and his brother seems to be also well connected to CIA...FBI from some years back, relations also...boy this is an eye opener at the very least, surprised to see such a topic on MF...well done Isaac.


keeping the war on terror going strong seems to have its victims...

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So how is the alternative beneficial, i.e. keeping the t*** locked away , at great expense, for the rest of his life?


Not necessarily. He might be rehabilitated and on release become an upstanding and useful member of society.


I could also win the lottery, the odds are probably the same

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Not necessarily. He might be rehabilitated and on release become an upstanding and useful member of society.


I could also win the lottery, the odds are probably the same



People win the lottery ever week.

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He and his brother seems to be also well connected to CIA...FBI from some years back, relations also...


Yes, it has always struck me as rather suspicious the number of terrorists or high school shooters that have had or their very close relatives have had close connections with western intelligence services.

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Any hospital or pharmacy will have plenty of drugs that in overdose will kill. The point with the supply argument is that the manufacturers of these drugs object to their use in judicial killings and have threatened to stop supplying them for medical purposes if they're misused. I do find it hard to understand why the US government, or each state for that matter, can't set up a small lab just for producing their own drugs, if they're so inclined. It's not as if the drugs are under patent or anything. Similarly, just go to the local vet and get a dose of something he'd use to kill a horse. That'd work.


I'm generally pro the death penalty, for some classes of un-rehabable criminal. Child abductors who go on to molest and then murder for example - I'd happily pull the trigger or inject the thio myself for those. Have to be proven absolutely of course, which these days is easier than it used to be. I don't see the point of locking someone up forever. I've posted before on here that in cases such as this bomber, I'd give them the option - life without parole, or death. I agree that it's not beneficial, in terms of reducing the likelihood of further attacks etc, but it is probably cheaper.


I thought that doctors were prevented by the hippocratic oath from taking part in the killing itself. Hence the protocols in the US where prison officers receive training in inserting IV lines and any other necessary 'medical' procedures. The doctor only gets involved to certify death.

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Solitary confinement for life in a 'Supermax' with nothing in the cell apart from bed, lavatory, washbasin, and access to a shower twice a week. No decoration, no windows, 'no conversation' rule, and a copy of the Holy Bible the only reading matter.


In other words a modern day humane oubliette.

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Solitary confinement for life in a 'Supermax' with nothing in the cell apart from bed, lavatory, washbasin, and access to a shower twice a week. No decoration, no windows, 'no conversation' rule, and a copy of the Holy Bible the only reading matter.


In other words a modern day humane oubliette.


That's not humane, at least give him a better work of fiction to read.

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I thought that doctors were prevented by the hippocratic oath from taking part in the killing itself. Hence the protocols in the US where prison officers receive training in inserting IV lines and any other necessary 'medical' procedures. The doctor only gets involved to certify death.


Hippocratic oath is irrelevant. Firstly, it's not widely used - I certainly never swore to it. Secondly, it prevents other things too, such as abortion (which is widely carried out by medical practitioners), and lithotomy (cutting for stone - leave that to the surgeons, it says). So forget about that.


I was talking hypothetically, rather than offering my services to become a public executioner, as a way of expressing my personal view of the death penalty - I was not in any way speaking for medics in general. In a way you're right - if compared with abortion, for example, no doctor can be compelled to take part if it is against their personal code of ethics. I suspect the same would be true of judicial killing, but I can't see it being prevented by any oath. Medical regulatory bodies may have other views of course, but put it this way - who would you rather have carrying out an execution - a fully qualified anaesthetist or a couple of prison officers who take multiple attempts at finding a vein before botching the injection protocol?

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