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21 yr old Boston Bomber to be given death penalty


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No not really.

Ok. So only balck or white allowed. No gray?

There are no shades of grey allowed for in:

I am against the death penalty, full stop.

That is black and white.

Yeah, but the ambient light is a big factor in how we see colours.


Yeah yeah. Black and White are not colours. But you get my jist.

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Rather than thinking of it as execution why not see it as euthanasia for a very sick animal with an incurable disease?


Humanity seeks cures for all disease..To declare anything as incurable, without investigation, would render you as not really being part of humanity.


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Rather than thinking of it as execution why not see it as euthanasia for a very sick animal with an incurable disease?


Humanity seeks cures for all disease..To declare anything as incurable, without investigation, would render you as not really being part of humanity.

Terrorists, paedophiles, and similar things in human form that do things that they like to do are incurable.


Rather than torture them with prolonged incarceration simply euthanize them.


It's the kindest thing to do.

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Rather than thinking of it as execution why not see it as euthanasia for a very sick animal with an incurable disease?

Humanity seeks cures for all disease..To declare anything as incurable, without investigation, would render you as not really being part of humanity.

Terrorists, paedophiles, and similar things in human form that do things that they like to do are incurable.


Rather than torture them with prolonged incarceration simply euthanize them.


It's the kindest thing to do.



So it's a waste of time looking for a cure for cancer?


Or a cure for anything?


Will God give us the answer, or did God give us the ability to find the answer?


I tend to lean towards the latter.



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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.


Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.

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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.


Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.


Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.

Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.



Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

The Lord guides us by word and example. Jesus made no attempt to reform the demon that offered Him the world, he rejected and rebuked it. We are told to turn the other cheek, but not for ever. We are told not to cast pearls before swine. To forgive the sinner but not the crime is certainly scriptural, but to not fight against evil is not.


You have much to learn.

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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.

Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.


Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

The Lord guides us by word and example. Jesus made no attempt to reform the demon that offered Him the world, he rejected and rebuked it. We are told to turn the other cheek, but not for ever. We are told not to cast pearls before swine. To forgive the sinner but not the crime is certainly scriptural, but to not fight against evil is not.


You have much to learn.



So thats a yes then. You have Gods mandate on earth.


Did you ever see the light?


I did.


The good God tapped my shoulder, and in an Instant I understood.


Must have been the bad God who tapped your shoulder.



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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.

Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.


Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

The Lord guides us by word and example. Jesus made no attempt to reform the demon that offered Him the world, he rejected and rebuked it. We are told to turn the other cheek, but not for ever. We are told not to cast pearls before swine. To forgive the sinner but not the crime is certainly scriptural, but to not fight against evil is not.

You have much to learn.

So thats a yes then. You have Gods mandate on earth.


Did you ever see the light?


I did.


The good God tapped my shoulder, and in an Instant I understood.


Must have been the bad God who tapped your shoulder.

No, it's not a yes. It is no more or no less than what I wrote.

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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.

Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.

Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

The Lord guides us by word and example. Jesus made no attempt to reform the demon that offered Him the world, he rejected and rebuked it. We are told to turn the other cheek, but not for ever. We are told not to cast pearls before swine. To forgive the sinner but not the crime is certainly scriptural, but to not fight against evil is not.

You have much to learn.

So thats a yes then. You have Gods mandate on earth.


Did you ever see the light?


I did.


The good God tapped my shoulder, and in an Instant I understood.


Must have been the bad God who tapped your shoulder.

No, it's not a yes. It is no more or no less than what I wrote.



So we are both radicals?


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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.

Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.


Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

The Lord guides us by word and example. Jesus made no attempt to reform the demon that offered Him the world, he rejected and rebuked it. We are told to turn the other cheek, but not for ever. We are told not to cast pearls before swine. To forgive the sinner but not the crime is certainly scriptural, but to not fight against evil is not.

You have much to learn.

So thats a yes then. You have Gods mandate on earth.


Did you ever see the light?


I did.


The good God tapped my shoulder, and in an Instant I understood.


Must have been the bad God who tapped your shoulder.

No, it's not a yes. It is no more or no less than what I wrote.


So we are both radicals?

I have no idea what you are, I simply obey the laws.

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I will agree that metastasis is a natural outcome of the social cancer is until a means of wiping a person's brain is found the best treatment is radical surgery of the tumor and that means euthanising terrorists and other creatures driven by desires that injury ordinary people.

Right now we have the answer as to how to deal with filth. We should employ it.

Would that be with Gods mandate, or are you assuming you have His authorirty over earthly matters?

The Lord guides us by word and example. Jesus made no attempt to reform the demon that offered Him the world, he rejected and rebuked it. We are told to turn the other cheek, but not for ever. We are told not to cast pearls before swine. To forgive the sinner but not the crime is certainly scriptural, but to not fight against evil is not.

You have much to learn.

So thats a yes then. You have Gods mandate on earth.


Did you ever see the light?


I did.


The good God tapped my shoulder, and in an Instant I understood.


Must have been the bad God who tapped your shoulder.

No, it's not a yes. It is no more or no less than what I wrote.


So we are both radicals?

I have no idea what you are, I simply obey the laws.



It's a difficult paradox. You quote the scriptures to justify hatred, but you fear to deny that God tapped me on the shoulder and showed me the light.


Trust me.. God showed me the light 10 years ago, and it fucked me up.


But now I sort of understand. He wanted me to post on here, and take the hatred from your soul. Maybe yes, maybe no.



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