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Rabies - Rage – Rabbia – Tollwut – Raiva


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If, or more likely WHEN rabies crosses the channel I can see a law being introduced not only to restore the hunting of foxes with dogs but even subsidies to establish packs of hounds and a bounty on the head of each fox caught.


I'm not convinced that chasing rabid foxes with hounds is such a great idea. Wouldn't the hounds then pose a potential risk? And their chops all bloody with rabid fox. Much better to shoot the foxes as DTCB do say. Or bait them.


Rabies control is one of the daftest of all the pro fox hunting arguments. You just don't make sport out of a public health issue. It isn't even remotely appropriate. And you might as well advocate bat hunting as a sport.


Meanwhile - rabies is also endemic in much of the US. So best not go there. Ditto Asia and Africa (including holiday destinations such as Morocco). And a bat with rabies was found in Lancashire last June. So best not let the kids even leave the island.


I think that the Telegraph has rather turned up the heat in its slant on this story (which I think they also cribbed). Nobody else (except quoting the Telegraph piece) has been writing about France being "furious".

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rabies has, and always will be a problem in many parts of the world (most notably in Australia, where classrooms are regularly evacuated due to rabid bats/coyote/rodent)


the cure? none. its a problem that will persist through the ages.


hunting with hounds? impractical and utterly inefficient. shooting? well unless youre willing to completely eradicate the species, and all species with the disease, its pissing in the wind.

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