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Two state solution or two state illusion?


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June 08, 2015 C-SPAN

Author and Haaretz columnist Ari Shavit debated author and Jerusalem Post senior contributing editor Caroline Glick about the prospect of a two-state solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The debate was moderated by the American Jewish Committee’s assistant executive director Daniel Elbaum




A very interesting debate on C-SPAN and it was good to hear both sides of the debate made intelligently using actual arguments and logic instead of appealing to mindless one second Facebook memes.

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IMO there can never be peace in the former British mandate region of Palestine.


If the Arabs who were coagulated into a single group (wrongly) called Palestine and we're to be recognised as a state they would set up treaties with other Arab states, attack Israel who would have to respond, the treaties would be triggered and all hell would break out.


If the Israelis think that they can hang on to the land on which Israel was established they are wrong. For a variety of reasons World opinion has turned against them and increasingly is doing so.


If the Arabs encouraged by ISIS or Iran or even if Iran alone attacked Israel today I doubt it the USA would come to the aid of Israel in any material way. The religious imperative to regain the land that Israel has been established on is just too unassailable.


It would appear that the days of a Jewish homeland in just a fraction of what had been their homeland are limited, the only questions are how long before destruction starts, and just what measures Israel will adopt in response.

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It would appear that the days of a Jewish homeland in just a fraction of what had been their homeland are limited, the only questions are how long before destruction starts, and just what measures Israel will adopt in response.




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It would appear that the days of a Jewish homeland in just a fraction of what had been their homeland are limited, the only questions are how long before destruction starts, and just what measures Israel will adopt in response.




Fascinating. I've seen some partial (as opposed to impartial) 'information' presented on the 'net but those maps are quite exceptional.


The jew were entitled to all of the British mandated land after the establishing of Jordan which was intended to be the arab section.


The Palestinian sector was created with the establishment of Jordan.


But the issue here is about peace in the region.


While the jew state exists there will never be peace.

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The rejection by the Arabs of the 1947 UN partition plan must surely, with hindsight, be seen as a tragedy. A two state solution now is very unlikely, for, as can be seen from manx's graphic, the Arabs now have only pitiful enclaves surrounded and entirely controlled by Israel. If something akin to the '47 proposal could be resurrected, with corridors to provide a contiguous territory, then a two state solution might provide an equitable solution.


Unfortunately , the wider regional situation and the very real threat that an Islamic caliphate poses for Israel, makes major concessions by Israel politically impossible, in my opinion.


Zionist sentiment in the U.S. will always ensure the support of the U.S. for Israel, and therefore, I think Spook is wrong about Israel failing to holdi onto land. The population of the region is actually doomed to several decades more war, probably until we give up our addiction to oil, and the whole dynamic changes to remove the power from the Arab nations.

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Yeah...a "we hate brown people" thread.


I remember a time when terrorist meant IRA and the baddies in Hollywood were mostly Russians.


What brown people are being hated in this thread? This is about the two-state solution/delusion.

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Yeah...a "we hate brown people" thread.


I remember a time when terrorist meant IRA and the baddies in Hollywood were mostly Russians.


What brown people are being hated in this thread? This is about the two-state solution/delusion.



From what I have read on this forum, there is a very vocal pro-Israel/Zionist here, with Arabs being referred to as little more than animals.

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Yeah...a "we hate brown people" thread.


I remember a time when terrorist meant IRA and the baddies in Hollywood were mostly Russians.


What brown people are being hated in this thread? This is about the two-state solution/delusion.



From what I have read on this forum, there is a very vocal pro-Israel/Zionist here, with Arabs being referred to as little more than animals.


Know the tree by the fruit it bears..

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Yeah...a "we hate brown people" thread.


I remember a time when terrorist meant IRA and the baddies in Hollywood were mostly Russians.


What brown people are being hated in this thread? This is about the two-state solution/delusion.



From what I have read on this forum, there is a very vocal pro-Israel/Zionist here, with Arabs being referred to as little more than animals.



I have never seen Arabs being referred to as "little more than animals".


However, I'm happy to say I'm a Zionist. I've also got nothing against Arabs.


But what does that have to do with the subject of this thread? Did you even listen to the debate?

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