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First it's another Clinton, now it's yet another member of the Bush dynasty announcing his run for president. How many Bushes are too many? Anybody want to place bets on which country he starts a war with?


It's like Robin Williams said, this is a family where the smart one is called Jeb. lol.

Personally, I hope Rand Paul wins the Republican race, and Berny Sanders wins the Democratic race. But if only wishes were horses.

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I listened to his speech announcing his candidacy. It was the same shit you hear everywhere from politicians, platitudes and generalities. America going in the wrong direction, up to him to change it .... Same shit, but turbo-charged, with carefully hand picked audience members in shot behind him, orchestrated clapping & cheering.


I really like the USA , but I really don't like their political circuses. The UK is becoming an imitator too,starting on a long slide in the wrong direction.


Lots more to look forward to, folks.

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Who cares Tj/Rod.


I care. Hundreds of millions of Americans care about who their president is from 2016 to 2020. Billions of people on planet earth whose future is directly influenced by United States policy - both foreign and domestic - care who will be leader of the nation which will continue to be the world's only superpower for the foreseeable future.


But you're right, I'm sure Britain's Got Talent is more interesting. The only "wad" here is you.

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I listened to his speech announcing his candidacy. It was the same shit you hear everywhere from politicians, platitudes and generalities. America going in the wrong direction, up to him to change it .... Same shit, but turbo-charged, with carefully hand picked audience members in shot behind him, orchestrated clapping & cheering.


I really like the USA , but I really don't like their political circuses. The UK is becoming an imitator too,starting on a long slide in the wrong direction.


Lots more to look forward to, folks.


I agree. It was just the usual platitudes and careful use of meaningless slogans. I'm sure Jeb Bush can rally the Republican majority, but does he have the ability to convince independent voters and Democrats? To win a presidential race, it isn't enough to just appeal to your own base. According to polls, the only Republican candidate capable of beating Clinton in a presidential run is DR Rand Paul. He's also the only one I'd vote for. Rand Paul is a great guy like his father, DR Ron Paul.

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His loyalties lie elsewhere.




I'm guessing that is the King of Saudi Arabia (or probably more likely the previous one). Doesn't really explain anything, you can find lots of pictures of previous presidents meeting such lovely people.






and here is a man who served under Nixon, Ford and Bush Sr. meeting the lovely Saddam (presumably just before selling him lots of lovely weapons).




Though to be fair none are as nasty as this pairing (loving the Alan Partridge style fashion sense)



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