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They don't meet up behind closed doors to pursue an agenda - they meet up for coffee or lunch. No conspiracy or paranoia involved there at all.


I suspect GeeCee is probably another of your usernames, Boredom/Oldmanxfella/Alibaba/Boris/Localyokel, as you're awfully determined to try and make people think it's me, probably to divert suspcion from you. You are the one protesting too much here. I can categorically swear before God that Gee Cee is not me and that is that.

Nor me, and on the same terms.

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Good. Glad that is all sorted. I for one am not going to entertain any further discussion of the matter.


Now, back to Bushes.........


I was watching a youtube video yesterday which showed that Fox News and the other major US media are up to their old tricks. Back when DR Ron Paul was running for the Republican nomination, he would routinely win all the polls, yet when broadcasting the poll results they would conveniently just pretend he didn't exist. Prior to his running, shows like Fox News would have him on as a guest and be all nice to him, then during the campaign they wouldn't have him on and would either pretend he didn't exist or else go on the attack against him. Well, they're up to the same with DR Rand Paul, his son, now he is running. He has been shown to be the only Republican candidate capable of defeating Hillary Clinton, yet they place him at the bottom of the polls (even though the statistics on the poll do show he has the highest percentage) and just totally ignore his name. I tell you, the corporate media in America do not want either of the Pauls in the White House. All the more reason why I hope they win!

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I thought Fox News was generally seen as being very pro Republican and very anti Democrat?


Oh, I didn't explain that very well. Fox News is very pro Republican establishment. Rand Paul is Republican but he isn't an establishment / status quo Republican. For starters, he's anti-war, he's against taking away American citizens' liberties, he's against the policy state, he's not a lackey of Wall Street and corporate America - he's a genuine conservative, which is why they don't want him winning the nomination. There's the Republican Party of the ordinary grass roots, which Dr Paul is a part of, and then there's the Republican party of people like Bush who pretend to be conservatives but are really just corporate fascists there to serve special interest groups.


If you really look into it, there's not much to differentiate the establishment wing of the Republican and Democrats from each other. The differences are just in rhetoric and peripheral side issues which the media picks up on and exaggerates those minor differences out of proportion to create the illusion of a great difference.

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