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Ron Paul's Warning: Big Changes Coming for the US Economy


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The general consensus of a lot of smart people is that cracks will start appearing in the third quarter of this year. Might not be an overnight thing, more of a ripple effect but europe is where it looks like the dam will break first. The large money is still flowing into the dollar as all the rest of the worlds currencies can't hold a torch to it still.

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Dr Paul...but not an actual Certified Doctor, but a self certified Doctor...like Doctor Nick.


Actually he is a qualified medical doctor.



That is some what shady...(not wanting to sound all conspiracy nutty)





I only looked at wikipedia so can't entirely claim it to be total truth but I'd have to say that site you linked does have more than a whiff of conspiracy nutjob about it. Other than that I don't know anything about Ron Paul.

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Dr Paul...but not an actual Certified Doctor, but a self certified Doctor...like Doctor Nick.


Both Dr Ron Paul and his son Dr Rand Paul are genuine and well-respected medical doctors. That is not even challenged by their rivals in the United States. If there was any shadow of doubt whatsoever, it would have already been brought to light by the corporate media so please go and troll another thread as this one is for genuine discussion about the economy.

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The more I look at American politics the more I'm lead to conclude that the two big parties are essentially the same, is that a fair conclusion?


Yup. Rand Paul would be better off running as the third party Libertarian vote. Give the public at least the illusion of a bit of choice,

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I don't think elections in either country are a battle over a middle ground. That implies the parties are on opposite ground. They are on opposite ground to the general population but they're very much on the same ground as each other. I would say the battle is to convince as many of the general population - most of whom stand on the same ground as each other - to split into two trumped up factions and vote for one or the other main party. At the same time, they prevent the general population having any influence within the parties.

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Take the whole mass surveillance thing......


The general population is overwhelmingly against.


The grassroots / marginalised elements of both parties are overwhelmingly against.


Yet the two major parties - the establishment people who run them - are overwhelmingly for it.


A case in point of the US establishment dividing the American people into two fake ideological camps to keep them from joining and having a genuinely representative political party.

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