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Ron Paul's Warning: Big Changes Coming for the US Economy


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I don't think elections in either country are a battle over a middle ground. That implies the parties are on opposite ground. They are on opposite ground to the general population but they're very much on the same ground as each other. I would say the battle is to convince as many of the general population - most of whom stand on the same ground as each other - to split into two trumped up factions and vote for one or the other main party. At the same time, they prevent the general population having any influence within the parties.


That's kind of what I meant by the phrase a battle over the middle ground, in that they are both effectively competing for the same voters who sit in the middle of politics and very much make up the majority of the electorate. I've heard the phrase used in that sense countless times in the press and media. Anyway, I think we both mean the same thing.

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Same is true in the UK.


Labour is pro mass immigration

The Conservatives are pro mass immigration


Yet the grass roots of the Conservative Party and I dare say a lot of grass roots Labour supporters are anti mass immigration.


Yet they have no political party outlet for that view. And so it's marginalised. Meanwhile, big business can continue to profiteer from the saturation and consequent erosion of real wages of the UK labour supply while accusing anyone who argues against it of being a racist or out on the fringe.


You have to take your hat off to them for the ingenious way they are able to control and exploit the population to make sure things go their way.

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The general consensus of a lot of smart people is that cracks will start appearing in the third quarter of this year. Might not be an overnight thing, more of a ripple effect but europe is where it looks like the dam will break first. The large money is still flowing into the dollar as all the rest of the worlds currencies can't hold a torch to it still.



Very true. Scary times ahead.

I think we'll have the printing presses within the euro roll before that happens. The ECB has no option but to print to stave off the crisis for a few more months while they work out some other kind of plan, which of cours they won't do, as the debt won't just go away. Wednesday's dollar-swap move only bought them a few weeks at most, although the whole thing there stinks of maybe bailing out a huge european bank to me, with the haste in which it was all done.

Whatever happens the whold of europe, UK and IoM included, are in for tough times ahead.

Wasn't the end of 2011/start of 2012 great with all that talk of imminent complete financial and social meltdown.


Whatever happened to all those predictions. Did they come true?


I don't think they did, no.


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I like Ron Paul up to the bit where he gets all nationalist about America.


What's wrong with being a patriot and caring about your own country? That used to be considered a virtue until bleeding heart left-wing Trotskyites took over the education system and started pushing internationalism on us.

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Published on Jun 21, 2015


Financial bubbles are never permanent and eventually they will burst. This day is not far off and the coming race to the exits will be a gigantic event, warns Ron Paul.




DR Ron Paul - we all need to listen this man.

I always get Ron Paul and Ron Jeremy mixed up. Is he the seedy, fat, hairy guy who does 80's porno?

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rmanx - stop accusing me of being other people or I will report you. That goes for anyone else too. We get it - you think I'm other people. There's no need to belabour the point. It is proving to be quite disruptive. I come on here to discuss current events, not to be bored to death by your unoriginal digs.

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rmanx - stop accusing me of being other people or I will report you. That goes for anyone else too. We get it - you think I'm other people. There's no need to belabour the point. It is proving to be quite disruptive. I come on here to discuss current events, not to be bored to death by your unoriginal digs.


I was being serious. Your slavering defence of the 2nd Amendment and your GOP/Teapubtard worship is Ruger to a tea.

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I defend the entire constitution, not just the second amendment. I'm a big fan of the US constitution and I believe the Isle of Man should introduce a written constitution with a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances as well. I do agree with the Tea Party on many things but I am not Ruger - nor is Ruger the only poster on here with such views - so don't waste my time any further with the asinine accusation. It's self-evident from our posting styles and areas of discussion that we're not the same person.

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