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Ron Paul's Warning: Big Changes Coming for the US Economy


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It is clear from the state of the USA that the constitution is not fit for purpose, and you can bet your last buck that the founding fathers had no idea the unwieldy mess that the US Government has become.


The 2nd Amendment is just that, an amendment to a document already in place. For something to remain unchanged for two hundred years, despite it working to contrary of one of America's primary beliefs (Freedom for all).

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rmanx - stop accusing me of being other people or I will report you. That goes for anyone else too. We get it - you think I'm other people. There's no need to belabour the point. It is proving to be quite disruptive. I come on here to discuss current events, not to be bored to death by your unoriginal digs.


"People report others all the time for the most petty things. Usually the cause of offense can be reduced down to the reporter being thick. rnotmanx is not smart enough to read things he doesn't understand without being offended and so he is offended by TSM's humour. Instead of just not reading TSM's post or not commenting on it, his small pea sized brain goes into caveman fight mode and compels him to beat his fists and hit the report button to try to harm TSM by potentially causing him to get warning points or a ban."


Just gonna leave this here...

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I have been following the American nominations, and I reckon Rand Paul could be a big upset to the Jeb campaign. I would put him as my front runner Republican. But no chance he will be selected.


Hilary Clinton... no policy other than she wants to be Pres. But she has said big business is free as ever to do big bussiness.


For The democrats.... Bernie Sanders. What a guy. Does not miss a beat with his policies, answers every question straight on. Has an articulate answer for all.


I would like to see a Sanders V Paul election campaign.


Elizabeth Warren running mate to Sanders, Carly Fiorina running mate to Paul. Just to make sure Paul loses. She has the Palin touch :-)

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Bernie Sanders is definitely more interested in the people. However because he is down on big business and its influence on American politics, he is going to struggle.


It all comes down to who the Koch Brothers want in power.

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Bernie Sanders is definitely more interested in the people. However because he is down on big business and its influence on American politics, he is going to struggle.


It all comes down to who the Koch Brothers want in power.

The Koch Brothers hold sway over the Republicans. They're not so influential over Democrats and not so keen on Obama since he vetoed their Keystone Pipeline.


(On paper, we all know every president bends over for big business before his ass touches the White House chair)

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Bernie Sanders is definitely more interested in the people. However because he is down on big business and its influence on American politics, he is going to struggle.


It all comes down to who the Koch Brothers want in power.


Bernie Sanders regularly works with Ron and Rand Paul on issues where they agree. I would be happy to see him become president. In fact, I prefer Bernie Sanders to the Pauls.

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rmanx - stop accusing me of being other people or I will report you. That goes for anyone else too. We get it - you think I'm other people. There's no need to belabour the point. It is proving to be quite disruptive. I come on here to discuss current events, not to be bored to death by your unoriginal digs.


"People report others all the time for the most petty things. Usually the cause of offense can be reduced down to the reporter being thick. rnotmanx is not smart enough to read things he doesn't understand without being offended and so he is offended by TSM's humour. Instead of just not reading TSM's post or not commenting on it, his small pea sized brain goes into caveman fight mode and compels him to beat his fists and hit the report button to try to harm TSM by potentially causing him to get warning points or a ban."


Just gonna leave this here...



Yeh but I'm not really going to report you. I'm bluffing - I'd just sincerely appreciate it if you gave it a rest. You've made your view clear and I see nothing to be gained from repeatedly introducing it into every thread I'm involved in.

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I would like to see a Sanders V Paul election campaign.



I'd like to see a Sanders-Paul joint ticket, not a Sanders V Paul race. Both should run as Libertarians (Rand, a conservative libertarian; and Sanders, a socialist libertarian).

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Whoever replaces Obama is going to find themselves facing a poisoned chalice. Obama has broken the USA, he has opened the southern border to the scum of the earth the only proviso was that they should be not white and his Muslim background and sympathies have turned the Middle East into a ticking bomb.


I would like to see JB become the 45th president, he stands a chance if not to put the genie that Obama released back in the bottle at least to impose some forms of control over it.


Funny, the UK had Bliar, the very worst PM that the UK ever had, and the US at almost the same time had Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim president and the worst president that the US ever had.

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Whoever replaces Obama is going to find themselves facing a poisoned chalice. Obama has broken the USA, he has opened the southern border to the scum of the earth the only proviso was that they should be not white and his Muslim background and sympathies have turned the Middle East into a ticking bomb.


I would like to see JB become the 45th president, he stands a chance if not to put the genie that Obama released back in the bottle at least to impose some forms of control over it.


Funny, the UK had Bliar, the very worst PM that the UK ever had, and the US at almost the same time had Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim president and the worst president that the US ever had.


Why am I not surprised that you subscribe to the conspiracy nonsense that Obama is a Muslim. As for the thing about him and Blair, their respective leaderships of their respective countries never overlapped so you are getting pretty tenuous there. Blair was very pally with Bush though.

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Whoever replaces Obama is going to find themselves facing a poisoned chalice. Obama has broken the USA, he has opened the southern border to the scum of the earth the only proviso was that they should be not white and his Muslim background and sympathies have turned the Middle East into a ticking bomb.

I would like to see JB become the 45th president, he stands a chance if not to put the genie that Obama released back in the bottle at least to impose some forms of control over it.

Funny, the UK had Bliar, the very worst PM that the UK ever had, and the US at almost the same time had Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim president and the worst president that the US ever had.


Why am I not surprised that you subscribe to the conspiracy nonsense that Obama is a Muslim. As for the thing about him and Blair, their respective leaderships of their respective countries never overlapped so you are getting pretty tenuous there. Blair was very pally with Bush though.

Just as Obama's place of birth has never satisfactorily been proven, and it hasn't, so his Muslim upbringing and the way he bends over backwards to smarmy up to them is more than proof of where the creature stands.


As for Bliar, it's simply that Bliar was the worst PM even has had so Barack Hussein Obama is the worst President that the US has ever had.


By a country mile.

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