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Ron Paul's Warning: Big Changes Coming for the US Economy


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I would suggest an Islamic identity and political affiliation with Islamism rather than him being a Muslim in terms of religiosity. You're probably right that he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are. Modern Islamism is a political (national socialist) ideology which is very similar to Trotskyism except it's motivated by belief in an international caliphate rather than an international proletariat. I don't think it's a contradiction to suggest he is influenced by both of these ideologies, with a good dose of Occidentalism mixed in.

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I would suggest an Islamic identity and political affiliation with Islamism rather than him being a Muslim in terms of religiosity. You're probably right that he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are. Modern Islamism is a political (national socialist) ideology which is very similar to Trotskyism except it's motivated by belief in an international caliphate rather than an international proletariat. I don't think it's a contradiction to suggest he is influenced by both of these ideologies, with a good dose of Occidentalism mixed in.

And a racist.

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I would suggest an Islamic identity and political affiliation with Islamism rather than him being a Muslim in terms of religiosity. You're probably right that he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are. Modern Islamism is a political (national socialist) ideology which is very similar to Trotskyism except it's motivated by belief in an international caliphate rather than an international proletariat. I don't think it's a contradiction to suggest he is influenced by both of these ideologies, with a good dose of Occidentalism mixed in.


Something I read a while back, on the Black person's view of Obama. I felt his appointment did a lot to encourage empowerment of black people in America but it would seem that not all yanks, White or Black, feel the same.


Trotskyist or Leninist...?




Edited to include the link, and to add that if this piece of writing is anything close to how Obama is then I'm surprised the 'White House' is still so-called...!

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Something I read a while back, on the Black person's view of Obama. I felt his appointment did a lot to encourage empowerment of black people in America but it would seem that not all yanks, White or Black, feel the same.


Trotskyist or Leninist...?



I don't know why black people would feel empowered by a corporate weasel getting into public office. He has increased taxes on the poor, black people being disproportionately in that category. He has ruined the country of Libya and allowed Al Qaeda to take over and they've been going around murdering black people because they're pan-Arab supremacists. If I was a black person, I'd be quick to disown him and point out he's half white.

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Whoever replaces Obama is going to find themselves facing a poisoned chalice. Obama has broken the USA, he has opened the southern border to the scum of the earth the only proviso was that they should be not white and his Muslim background and sympathies have turned the Middle East into a ticking bomb.

I would like to see JB become the 45th president, he stands a chance if not to put the genie that Obama released back in the bottle at least to impose some forms of control over it.

Funny, the UK had Bliar, the very worst PM that the UK ever had, and the US at almost the same time had Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim president and the worst president that the US ever had.

Why am I not surprised that you subscribe to the conspiracy nonsense that Obama is a Muslim. As for the thing about him and Blair, their respective leaderships of their respective countries never overlapped so you are getting pretty tenuous there. Blair was very pally with Bush though.

Just as Obama's place of birth has never satisfactorily been proven, and it hasn't,



Yes, yes it has.



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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.

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regularly works with Ron and Rand Paul on issues where they agree.

You talk about Ron and Rand Paul as if they were the same or similar. Their politics are very different. Obviously a father will influence a son. But Rand Paul and Ron Paul as as different politically as Tony Benn and Hillary Benn.


ETA: I would be surprised to see Rand Paul elected. He is a funny little fella.

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.




Read the link, post#49 if you want a ''case study''....

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.




Read the link, post#49 if you want a ''case study''....



I was referring to his statement that most "functional " atheists are sociopaths

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Whoever replaces Obama is going to find themselves facing a poisoned chalice. Obama has broken the USA, he has opened the southern border to the scum of the earth the only proviso was that they should be not white and his Muslim background and sympathies have turned the Middle East into a ticking bomb.

I would like to see JB become the 45th president, he stands a chance if not to put the genie that Obama released back in the bottle at least to impose some forms of control over it.

Funny, the UK had Bliar, the very worst PM that the UK ever had, and the US at almost the same time had Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim president and the worst president that the US ever had.

Why am I not surprised that you subscribe to the conspiracy nonsense that Obama is a Muslim. As for the thing about him and Blair, their respective leaderships of their respective countries never overlapped so you are getting pretty tenuous there. Blair was very pally with Bush though.

Just as Obama's place of birth has never satisfactorily been proven, and it hasn't,



Yes, yes it has.





That is NOT a copy of a long form birth certificate, it is a certificate of live birth . A certificate of live birth does NOT constitute proof of place of birth it shows the claimed place of birth.


IF obama was born in the US then the moment that the question was raised his LONG FORM birth certificate would have been presented in a matter of moments.

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There is just too much incontrovertible evidence to prove that is a forgery. For another thing if it was legit it would have been tabled the very first time the question of his place of birth was questioned.



No there isn't. Otherwise, the Repubtards who have been screaming for his impeachment would have done it already.


Maybe if the Right wing tried helping Americans instead of American Business, America wouldn't be in toilet.

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