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Ron Paul's Warning: Big Changes Coming for the US Economy


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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.




Read the link, post#49 if you want a ''case study''....



I was referring to his statement that most "functional " atheists are sociopaths



Gotcha. IMHO, a great many christians, and others of whatever faith (pick a diety) are functional Atheists. It shows a faith-threatening blind-spot of hypocrisy when people say they believe in god(s) yet carry on their lives as if He didn't exist. This kind of outlook is dangerously prevalent in the US, across all their religions.


That Ron Paul is a Southern Baptist, is he not?





It doesn't matter what church or non-church he is - he's a libertarian which means he believes in freedom for everyone. To him, faith is a private matter.

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.



Sorry but Oklahoma City Bombing was a false flag op.

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.


Read the link, post#49 if you want a ''case study''....

I was referring to his statement that most "functional " atheists are sociopaths

Gotcha. IMHO, a great many christians, and others of whatever faith (pick a diety) are functional Atheists. It shows a faith-threatening blind-spot of hypocrisy when people say they believe in god(s) yet carry on their lives as if He didn't exist. This kind of outlook is dangerously prevalent in the US, across all their religions.


That Ron Paul is a Southern Baptist, is he not?



It doesn't matter what church or non-church he is - he's a libertarian which means he doesn't believe in freedom for everyone. To him, faith is a private matter.

Is that correct? Don't libertarians believe in freedom for everyone, then..?

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.



Sorry but Oklahoma City Bombing was a false flag op.



Its confusing knowing which conspiracies are conspiracies and which conspiracies are just conspiracies of conspiracy. Is there a helpful list anywhere?

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.



Sorry but Oklahoma City Bombing was a false flag op.




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It doesn't matter what church or non-church he is - he's a libertarian which means he doesn't believe in freedom for everyone. To him, faith is a private matter.

Is that correct? Don't libertarians believe in freedom for everyone, then..?



TYPO. I meant he believes in freedom for everyone. So why is rmanx trying to characterise him as some religious nutjob with a tinfoil hat who wants to impose a theocracy? Ron Paul is one of the biggest defenders of freedom. He was one of the few, if not the only, congress people to defend Howard Stern against the FCA. I doubt he's a fan of Howard Stern - it's just a fine example of Ron Paul's dedication to freedom for everyone and not just those he agrees with. I believe he also defended the constitutional right of a Muslim group to operate an Islamic centre/mosque in New York which Fox News pundits were dead against because it's near the World Trade Centre. Clearly this is not a reincarnation of Pope Urban II.

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he's a functional atheist - most sociopaths are.


Timothy McVey was a Christian...America's most "successful" terrorist before 9/11 (other than the Bush clan).


And I'd love to see your case studies to back up your claim.



Sorry but Oklahoma City Bombing was a false flag op.



Its confusing knowing which conspiracies are conspiracies and which conspiracies are just conspiracies of conspiracy. Is there a helpful list anywhere?



No but feel free to run them by me. Why not open up a conspiracy thread where we can all discuss each of them.

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Not really. Their threads are outright disinformation / conspira-tainment diversions. The world is not flat and Babylon has not fallen.


Is that on the list of counter conspiracies, or counter counter conspiracies?

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Hey I just saw an American friend post it on Facetardland and thought I'd share it. Didn't have time to check its veracity.

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