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IoMSP Viking Menu/Deckplan


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Hi All,


I'm not sure if this is the correct section, if not Admin can move.


A few years ago the IoMSPCo had a combined Menu/Deckplan for the Ben-My-Chree, Manannan & Snaefell available for download as a PDF on their site. I have a copy of all three PDF Versions, and the Ben & Manannan Paper Copy.


Before this a Viking Version was available, which I unfortunately don't have. I never sailed on her as Viking, and stupidly never saved a PDF copy. I've tried the web.archive.org site, but it isn't available on there either.


I was wondering if any one has saved the PDF and could please send me a copy, or if someone has a Paper Copy, could they please scan it and share it, or if they have a spare maybe even send me one.


Thanks for any help.

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