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Buck Palace to get face lift


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According to the "news" this morning, Buckingham Palace is getting a £150 million make over to replace electrics, plumbing, etc.


In times of austerity is this really necessary?


That could pay for:


4080 secondary school teachers for a year




4830 nurses for a year




4800 firemen for a year




4035 paramedics for a year...


You get the idea.

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Buck House is a national treasure.


The repair and restoration must take place.


Having a few less teachers to meet the demands of open door immigration is unimportant, especially if all teaching is done in English, as it should be, and the requirement placed on ethnics to get their kids up to speed in English language at the cost to the ethnics.


What IS scandal is UK foreign aid.


That is a thing that should cease today.

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Yup Manx ............... you don't like the royal Family either but possibly have children/ grandchildren , members of your family who need medical health and are worried about your house burning down and think that taxes should only be spent on things you approve of.

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The nation needs more nurses, firemen, paramedics, etc a lot more than Buck Palace needs a paint job.


As for it being a national treasure, that depends on whether you believe the Monarchy are value for money (which I don't).


And I am going to ignore Spookys usual brand of baseless racism and dailymailism.

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Why not get a tad closer to home , did "we" need the road improvements ...richmond hill ... etc etc


when did Buck house last get a 'paint job' , how often should one give one's own property a lick of paint, or is it that you are a republican and think the "royal family" should be scrapped and buck house be turned into a day centre for the elderly/asylum seekers/baptist evangelists/ex politicians/etc?


I quite like the royal family , I'd definitely prefer it to a system where a "president" is appointed (in a similar way to our own LEGCO (?) ), and the UK appoints someone like Tony Blair, his wife or some ' grand horizontal' ............ but I may be in the minorityflowers.gif

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Why not get a tad closer to home , did "we" need the road improvements ...richmond hill ... etc etc


Another day, another thread...


when did Buck house last get a 'paint job' , how often should one give one's own property a lick of paint, or is it that you are a republican and think the "royal family" should be scrapped and buck house be turned into a day centre for the elderly/asylum seekers/baptist evangelists/ex politicians/etc?


Not so much a republican, more a tired of the hypocrisy of being told we are in a time of austerity and despite the monarchy costing best part of £400 million a year already, they need to spend another £150 million on them, with our money.


I quite like the royal family , I'd definitely prefer it to a system where a "president" is appointed (in a similar way to our own LEGCO (?) ), and the UK appoints someone like Tony Blair, his wife or some ' grand horizontal' ............ but I may be in the minorityflowers.gif



I'd prefer an elected representative to one ordained by "god" and accident of birth.

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when did Buck house last get a 'paint job' , how often should one give one's own property a lick of paint, or is it that you are a republican and think the "royal family" should be scrapped and buck house be turned into a day centre for the elderly/asylum seekers/baptist evangelists/ex politicians/etc?




Apparently it hasn't had a paint job since 1952. Maybe they should establish a sinking fund to pay for such works; £2M each year into a sinking fund might be more palatable than £150M once every 60 years.

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Can't she pay for it herself?


The Crown Estate is worth £11.5 billion and hands over to her something like £35 million a year. She then gets another £12 or so million from the Duchy of Lancaster.


And then there is her personal wealth on top of that.


Of course Buckingham Palace needs to be maintained ... but this isn't about that, its about how it should be paid for. I'm not convinced general taxation is the only source of funds. The Crown in itself is wealthy as is the sovereign personally.

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All told the monarchy costs about £350ish million a year. Security alone for the Royals and their multitude of hangersons costs around £100 million.


Fairy stories again or do you have a source for this?

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