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Another religious beheading in France


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It was not extremists, it was devout observant Muslims or in this case a Muslim but obviously with support from others of his kind.


Worst of all it is absolutely in line with the Koran and supported by assorted Hadiths.

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bit like the devout observant christians who butchered non christians way back Spookie .


Why do you insist on stirring up religious/racial hatred?


If ( any god forbid) you were given power without responsibility I wonder if you would oversee the destruction of any "religious" group that doesn't share your own beliefs ( I base this question on your posts on other threads ) ?

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bit like the devout observant christians who butchered non christians way back Spookie .


Why do you insist on stirring up religious/racial hatred?


If ( any god forbid) you were given power without responsibility I wonder if you would oversee the destruction of any "religious" group that doesn't share your own beliefs ( I base this question on your posts on other threads ) ?


OBSERVANT Christians did NOT do such things. People who were members of 'churches' that CLAIMED to be Christian, especially the Roman Catholic church, committed such atrocities.


An OBSERVANT Christian would not and could not do so, the teaching of Christ prohibits such a thing.


It is the precise opposite in the case of Islam where the direction of Muhammad demands it.


If your going to comment on a thing at least get your facts right.

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Islam is an aggressive religion that covets a worldwide Ummah for itself. That is a fact. Individual Muslims who do not (or say they do not) are simply not following it as fundamentally as those who do. I wonder how many ISIS/Al Qaeda sleepers we have among the boat people that are currently being rescued and resettled in Western Europe, who will subsequently go on to kill and maim. Ah yes. We're too civilised to turn them away.

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Dreadful. The symbolic act of beheading, the Islamic ritual punishment for unbelievers and apostates alike. An act of mass-murder by the rampaging Muhammadens in AD627 inflicted on the Quaryza Jews, at Medina, as glorified in the Koran; Chapter (8) surat l-anfal (The Spoils of War), verse (8;12) has laid down this punishment in 'sacred' scripture.


But then again, it IS Ramadan and there is evidence that violent crime amongst the brothers and sisters increases during this period of introspection and 'cleansing'...






One thing that gets me (and this is no more clearly demonstrated than in the case of that White Supremacist who, in revenge for the muslim attackers who virtually beheaded Lee Rigby, tried to kill a SIKH!) is the lazy and capricious way the media describe these mad-dogs using the all en-compassing term, 'Asian'. This usage effectively tars, Chinese/Russians/Thai/pick a race, with the same brush, thus increasing racist sentiment exponentially. Little wonder some 'Asians' are taking a stand against this....




It's despicable that this habitual generalisation continues to be used in this way and the BBC are one of the biggest offenders.


A report in the Telegraph describes the way the Rotherham report on Child Sexual Abuse was canned till after the 2010 general election for fear of stoking racial tension. The abusers are muslims (not a race), mostly, not Sikhs/zoroastrians/hindus, etc., all of whom are usually Asian and thus, are targeted unfairly.


The dire consequences of the FAILED liberal-left socialist experiment of multi-culturalism. A prime example of this in Britain is the shocked outrage of muslims finding Pork-flavoured Pringles on sale during Ramadan! Like we're all supposed to bow-down to their 'sensitivities' and kow-tow to islamic tradition.


It's all bollocks. Dangerous bollocks. Some areas of Britain are tinderboxes and its time the British bulldog put its teeth back in.

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bit like the devout observant christians who butchered non christians way back Spookie .


Why do you insist on stirring up religious/racial hatred?


If ( any god forbid) you were given power without responsibility I wonder if you would oversee the destruction of any "religious" group that doesn't share your own beliefs ( I base this question on your posts on other threads ) ?


''Way back...'' Yes, way back. Fortunately, the other fairy-story religions have grown-up and adapted to modernity. Not islam. The majority of muslims, the Ummah, still interpret islam as written in the koran and sunnahs. Do we hear of rampaging catholics? Protestants? Is there a glut of biblicals mutilating the sex organs of their female children and women-folk, making them cover their faces/bodies with scriptural affirmation?


Is presenting facts really stirring-up religious/racial hatred? Because it is a fact that muslims in the UK would prefer Sharia as opposed to Magna Carta. Recent surveys of the poor, 'disaffected' muslim youth in this country feel it should be so....

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Please don't confuse religious beliefs with the actions or thoughts of some sick f****r who is hell bent on violence in the name of anything they can cling on to.


So what is it which drives them if not religious belief...?

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Please don't confuse religious beliefs with the actions or thoughts of some sick f****r who is hell bent on violence in the name of anything they can cling on to.


The snag is there are tens of thousands of these sick fuckers and the number is growing within the problem areas.

Another snag is the UK government doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that we could soon become a problem area.

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It's too easy to blame muslims for this type of atriocity and only now are a few starting to speak up against such acts. That said ask any muslim if they believe holy book and they will say yes. The issue then is how it's interpreted and to what degree as a justification for something they want to do whether it's something innocuous or beheading someone. It's therefore very hard (impossible?) to separate this act from the religion.


I think France has the will to respond to this more effectively than the UK would.

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