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Another religious beheading in France


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And you are being just the tiniest bit revisionist.


How about you identify the religion of the perpetrator of every terrorist attack for the last 60-80 years. And make sure to point out their nationality as well.


As I previously stated, before 9/11 most terror attacks on US soil were carried out by white Americans and Christian/Jewish extremists.


Isn't it also strange how the surge in Middle Eastern terrorism matches the surge in Western countries bombing, invading and interfering in Middle Eastern affairs...its almost as if there is a link between the two.


Almost as if they are pissed off at us for something...

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A little bit of balance to Max Power's indoctrinated hatred...








And a little gem from the first link:


"In 2011, analyst Daryl Johnson of the United States Department of Homeland Security said that the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks.[91]"

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I don't think that's true for the majority who are disengaged with current affairs and politics almost completely. Yes, there are those of the mainly very young active fringe that jump on the passing (usually on the internet) bandwagons and will turn out for a march with the Socialist Worker loonies, or a sit in etc, or just vent online, "End Austerity" or "Stop the War", etc. But if you speak to them, not many of them know a lot about the subject they are campaigning on. And they are the few who can be slightly bothered. The many don't even partake to that extent. There are a lot of vacuous people playing computer games, watching Love Island, Jeremy Kyle etc. and that is very dangerous. While the population has its back turned there is a lot of scope for the man to weave his web.

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that is possibly the most ridiculous cut and paste job ever ..congratulations..christians and jews happy together? christians and christians not even happy together.. also who defines what is a terrorist organization?


It's only ridiculous if you introduce facts into the equation. Don't ruin it - the general message is still true: Muslims need to chill out.

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Isn't it also strange how the surge in Middle Eastern terrorism matches the surge in Western countries bombing, invading and interfering in Middle Eastern affairs...its almost as if there is a link between the two.


Almost as if they are pissed off at us for something...


It's called "blowback". This video provides a good explanation.



See also this video (which appears in 'up next' on the other video)


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My copy and paste job was merely pointing out that we do have an Islamic terrorism problem. Trying to sweep it under the carpet as we have done for years doesn't solve the problem. These extremists are not ready for compromise, they hate other Muslims, they commit atrocities akin to those committed by the Nazis and worse.


If you are saying that there is no truth in that diatribe then you are deluded, most other religions do tend to live together, sometimes strained admittedly but they do tolerate each other. If you lived in some of the towns across the UK where there is a predominance of the Muslim faith, you will find young men enforcing 'their' territory amongst other things, not a comfortable place to live at all.


It would help if there were reasonable people at the head of the various factions but it seems that there are not, nobody to condemn or to negotiate solutions it seems?


I have no doubt that the majority of Muslims are peaceful law abiding people but it is they who need to get on top of this problem. Whatever we do is only seen as interference by the Infidel, and that is exactly what all of our attempts to change things have been. We have buggered up our relationships and our chances and it is we, along with the USA who have bred the current situation.

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thousands of radicalised, angry young muslim(as


Maybe if we stopped bombing them on a daily basis, maybe they would be a little more amenable to talking to us.



I blame the prohibition on listening to music or alcohol in the Islamic religion. They need to lighten the fuck up.

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If you are saying that there is no truth in that diatribe then you are deluded, most other religions do tend to live together, sometimes strained admittedly but they do tolerate each other. If you lived in some of the towns across the UK where there is a predominance of the Muslim faith, you will find young men enforcing 'their' territory amongst other things, not a comfortable place to live at all.

This is the reality of the social experiment that has been conducted in Britain. There are people in power and in the media who never come face to face with the reality of these affairs on the ground and would no doubt be shocked if they did. Others willfully turn a blind eye. Pakistani flags flying. "Whites not welcome." It is very easy to sit in areas largely unaffected, like the Isle of Man, and be generous in espousing inclusiveness. Maybe even denying such realities are happening since they keep very quiet about it on mainstream media. Not quite so easy to remain positive when you are the odd one out left in a street that has experienced white flight and are jeered every time you cross the threshold.

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A lot of these groups being called Islamists are criminal gangs who have appeared in the aftermath of foreign invasion because law and order and a normal economy have been destroyed. Afghanistan was a secular and modernising country until the late 1980s. What happened? The Soviet Union and the United States plunged it into a civil war and extremists took power. Al Qaeda started because of the United States' interference in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were themselves put in power by the British. ISIS has been funded and armed by the United States in Syria. Boko Haram are an ethnic tribal group who thrive because of ethnic tensions in the area. Another legacy from British rule. Before we blame Islam, why not look at the background to these things. Most of it is due to a breakdown of law and order, power vacuums, poverty, or playing ethnic groups against each other. You can say these people are inspired by Islamic writings but it's about as credible as saying the KKK are inspired by the Bible. I know enough about the Bible and the KKK to know they are not inspired by the Bible and though some of them are Christians I don't blame Christianity for their behaviour.

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This is the reality of the social experiment that has been conducted in Britain. There are people in power and in the media who never come face to face with the reality of these affairs on the ground and would no doubt be shocked if they did. Others willfully turn a blind eye. Pakistani flags flying. "Whites not welcome." It is very easy to sit in areas largely unaffected, like the Isle of Man, and be generous in espousing inclusiveness. Maybe even denying such realities are happening since they keep very quiet about it on mainstream media. Not quite so easy to remain positive when you are the odd one out left in a street that has experienced white flight and are jeered every time you cross the threshold.



Most Muslims are white or olive if you mean skin colour. If a Pakistani has a flag saying whites not welcome, he is saying most Muslims are not welcome. If he is a racist, he is not a Muslim. There are no races. We all come from the same ancestors. Torah says it. Gospels say it. Qur'an says it. The science books say it. If someone is racist to you, he needs to be corrected. If he says no this or that person allowed, God will do the same to him on the day of judgement. He won't be able to say he's a Muslim and get a free pass.

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A lot of these groups being called Islamists are criminal gangs who have appeared in the aftermath of foreign invasion because law and order and a normal economy have been destroyed. Afghanistan was a secular and modernising country until the late 1980s. What happened? The Soviet Union and the United States plunged it into a civil war and extremists took power. Al Qaeda started because of the United States' interference in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were themselves put in power by the British. ISIS has been funded and armed by the United States in Syria. Boko Haram are an ethnic tribal group who thrive because of ethnic tensions in the area. Another legacy from British rule. Before we blame Islam, why not look at the background to these things. Most of it is due to a breakdown of law and order, power vacuums, poverty, or playing ethnic groups against each other. You can say these people are inspired by Islamic writings but it's about as credible as saying the KKK are inspired by the Bible. I know enough about the Bible and the KKK to know they are not inspired by the Bible and though some of them are Christians I don't blame Christianity for their behaviour.

I agree with what you say, and so do most people. 'Western' governments are responsible for a lot of this trouble but it seems that it is the ordinary person who pays for the mistakes of both sides.

Until people adopt a more neutral stance, this is going to get a lot worse for everyone. Strong leadership is needed on both sides and some straight talking and action!

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