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Another religious beheading in France


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The source of the evil is in Islam itself.


But not any other religion or ideology? It's only Islam? There were no inquisitions or witch trials caused by Christianity or Bible beleivers like yourself. It's only Muslims who are evil and cause trouble for others?



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The source of the evil is in Islam itself.


But not any other religion or ideology? It's only Islam? There were no inquisitions or witch trials caused by Christianity or Bible beleivers like yourself. It's only Muslims who are evil and cause trouble for others?

Only the qur'ran directs violence. The 'New Testiment' certainly does not and the Old Covenant is a living document first by the Prophets (the Haftorah) and today by the Talmud and also does not.


The inquisitions and witch trials were and remain profoundly u-Christian. If Christians followed the teachings of Christmas, as they do Uldale, and if mohammadons didn't follow the hate filed ranting of the liar, mohammad then the world would be a very much better place.

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We are into "No True Scotsman" territory here.


There is no "true essence" of a religion which is its pure incarnation free from man's impurities.


There is simply the reality of how people use and interpret religious dogma.


My view is that Islam does have a far more profound problem in clearly separating its dogmas into those that are useful in a modern society and those that are problematic as believers view them all as infallibly perfect and so different sects will always be able to claim authority for their particular set of prominent verses.


So those wanting to justify violence and the slaughter of the infidel can find Koranic verses to support them, but so can those justifying cooperation and peaceful existence.


The same is basically true with Jewish and Christian texts, but there is a lot more willingness to leave Medieval barbarism in the past with these two religions. And only some members of the religion view their text as fundamentally true, something I'd imagine nearly all Muslims believe.


Both the Old and New Testaments do contain lots of troubling verses, but if you aren't a fundamentalist, or use a New Convenent, or on-going understanding argument it is easier to ignore them.


Though, Spook, in the past you have indicated you do stick to old testament clothing and food strictures - why that and not stoning rude children and non-virgin brides?

Islam has greater difficulty ignoring such verses.


Then you add in the social context and things get really messy, whether it is justifying slavery - something the vast majority of Christians did til the 18th century, Crusades, not suffering a witch to live etc etc.


The social context currently encourages people to use the Koran to justify brutally inhumane treatment of people - beheading, enslaving, denying education and social freedom.


The religion can really easily be used to justify that and by claiming those who do it are blessed by Allah/God it actively recruits those seeking salvation.


That is a social evil which allows brutality against people to persist.


Beheading people is a disgusting, violent, brutal, inhumane practice. Anyone who claims it is a part of God's perfect magic book should be sidelined in a humane society.

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You're talking out of your hat Spook.

Care to explain?

No. I'll let this link do it for me.http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/nt_list.html

Albert, that is a deliberately warped and totally misconstrued load of rubbish. It is the sort of drivel produced by people who try to come up with things to justify their own agenda and bears absolutely no relationship with Judaism or Christianity.


If that crap is what you base your opinion about Christianity then it explains why you and others rant on as you do.


For one thing The Bible is a collection of books. Books separated by many many years. In addition many books were omitted when Constantine constructed what suited his needs


To cherry pick from chapters and verses without putting them in context produces garbage.


Albert, must do better.

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