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Another religious beheading in France


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You're talking out of your hat Spook.

Care to explain?

No. I'll let this link do it for me.http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/nt_list.html

Albert, that is a deliberately warped and totally misconstrued load of rubbish. It is the sort of drivel produced by people who try to come up with things to justify their own agenda and bears absolutely no relationship with Judaism or Christianity.


If that crap is what you base your opinion about Christianity then it explains why you and others rant on as you do.


For one thing The Bible is a collection of books. Books separated by many many years. In addition many books were omitted when Constantine constructed what suited his needs


To cherry pick from chapters and verses without putting them in "context" produces garbage.


Albert, must do better.



Context is subjective and open to confirmation bias. Kinda like Christianity really.

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The source of all evil is Satan.


Who in turn came from the God of the Judo-Christian mythology...so not the source, just the distributor...



Correction - the God of the Christian mythology. There is no Satan or devil in Judaism.

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There are a lot of people who would do well to study the better known commentaries on the Bible.


Mathew Henry for one, and it's free on the Net, and Plaut on the Torah which may not be free.

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.

If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.

If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.



Snake..serpent. Somantics doesn't detract from the "fact" that there is talking objects (snake/serpent, bush, donkey, etc).

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.


If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.

Snake..serpent. Somantics doesn't detract from the "fact" that there is talking objects (snake/serpent, bush, donkey, etc).

You really should learn about a subject before commenting on it.

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.

If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.

Snake..serpent. Somantics doesn't detract from the "fact" that there is talking objects (snake/serpent, bush, donkey, etc).

You really should learn about a subject before commenting on it.





"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?""

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.

If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.


How do you know?

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.

If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.


How do you know?



God told him. Spook said so.

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.


If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.

How do you know?

God told him. Spook said so.



Research the subject and try to learn. Let me give you a starting place. Try starting with the Midrash.

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Talking snake. Reading any further than that is time wasted. Harry Potter and the Hobbit have much better stories in comparison.

If you're referring to Adam and Eve it wasn't a snake.

How do you know?

God told him. Spook said so.



Research the subject and try to learn. Let me give you a starting place. Try starting with the Midrash.



Don't dodge the subject. The bible (in various versions) states that a serpent spoke to Eve. True or False?

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