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Another religious beheading in France


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I think France has the will to respond to this more effectively than the UK would.


Not only the will but the legislation.


France has essentially separated the state from religion to make eg schools non-secular. IMHO this is the right way to go. Unfortunately in the UK it's tricky because the Head of State is also Head of the C of E.

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bit like the devout observant christians who butchered non christians way back Spookie .


Why do you insist on stirring up religious/racial hatred?


If ( any god forbid) you were given power without responsibility I wonder if you would oversee the destruction of any "religious" group that doesn't share your own beliefs ( I base this question on your posts on other threads ) ?


OBSERVANT Christians did NOT do such things. People who were members of 'churches' that CLAIMED to be Christian, especially the Roman Catholic church, committed such atrocities.


An OBSERVANT Christian would not and could not do so, the teaching of Christ prohibits such a thing.


It is the precise opposite in the case of Islam where the direction of Muhammad demands it.


If your going to comment on a thing at least get your facts right.


many of your "facts" are merely your opinions

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Saying that Islamic extremism has nothing to do with Islam is wrong. An interpretation of Islam is a driving force behind the ideology of extremists. The ideology is also political, but without the influence of religion it would have a very different character.


Extremists sincerely believe that they are going to paradise for committing atrocities, and that they are doing God's work. This is why they are so ready to sacrifice their own lives for their ideological goals.


Let's stop pretending that religion has nothing to do with it.

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According to the Beeb at least 27 dead in Sousse.



Cameron claiming ''it has nothing to do with Islam, Islam is the religion of peace''.


Typical dhimmitude, deliberate obfuscation of scripturally-inspired madness.


No, nothing to do with Islam, the koran or Muhammad....

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When you've got at least 3 million Muslims within your country what can you do (that's within the PC agenda)? At the same time you've got idiots like this writing the contrarian view. Where is the dreamland that these people inhabit?



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bit like the devout observant christians who butchered non christians way back Spookie .


Why do you insist on stirring up religious/racial hatred?


If ( any god forbid) you were given power without responsibility I wonder if you would oversee the destruction of any "religious" group that doesn't share your own beliefs ( I base this question on your posts on other threads ) ?


OBSERVANT Christians did NOT do such things. People who were members of 'churches' that CLAIMED to be Christian, especially the Roman Catholic church, committed such atrocities.


An OBSERVANT Christian would not and could not do so, the teaching of Christ prohibits such a thing.


It is the precise opposite in the case of Islam where the direction of Muhammad demands it.


If your going to comment on a thing at least get your facts right.


many of your "facts" are merely your opinions


Name 'em.

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'churches' that CLAIMED to be Christian, especially the Roman Catholic church


Spook, can you please explain to a layman why Catholics aren't Christian

There are a number of reasons. Let's start with the glaringly obvious, the Latin Vulgate bible used by the Roman Catholic church.


To begin with in the LV the Decalogue (ten commandments set out in the Torah) have been changed by removing #2 and splitting a later one to restore the count.


It's why RC's have graven images and silly plaster statues.


Then there's priests setting themselves up as having the authority to deny man from entry to heaven by 'excommunicating' them. Pure heresy. It goes against the teaching of Christ.


Mary as an intermediary between God and man. Pure nonsense. It is absolutely unscriptural. There can be no intermediary between God and man.


Forgiveness of sin in the confessional. Again pure nonsense.


The only forgiveness of sin comes about when a man accepts Jesus as his saviour by taking on himself the sins of the sinner provided that the sinner truly repents what he has done, sets about putting right what he can, undertakes to follow the teaching of Jesus as best as he is able, and undertakes to sin no more as far as he is able and WHEN he does fail, when he realises he has to attempt to put right what he has done, and not do so again.


Purgatory. Totally unscriptural and utter BS. Especially evident by the way that the RC priests told people that souls sent ot this rubbish could be redeemed by payments made to the priests and the church.


The mass. Holy Communion is a memorial of the 'Last Supper' and NOT some sort of mystical thing where bread and wine become changed ito the living flesh and blood of anyone, least of all Jesus. IN any case the drinking of blood is absolutely prohibited by The Lord.


And so so much more.


I accept and even respect that increasingly people are turning away from The Lord. Their future, their choice, but when groups and organisations set themselves up to 'teach' Christianity and at the same time are so heretical and even blasphemous in all fairness it is hardly surprising.


And the Roman Catholic Church if not the worst is close to the top of that list, and certainly the biggest and looing back has been responsible for almost as much evil as Islam.

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OK an example:- my children /grandchildren will be cast into the eternal fire of hell as a result of them not being baptised into the Christian faith , given your views of other "christian faiths" I'm assuming your particular cult/sect of the baptist church.

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There are pictures on Facebook showing what ISIS are doing to Christian children - crucifixion, mass execution and beatings, even a picture of a child too young to walk with four (yes, four) automatic gun muzzles held to its head. Now, how do you deal with people like that?

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OK an example:- my children /grandchildren will be cast into the eternal fire of hell as a result of them not being baptised into the Christian faith , given your views of other "christian faiths" I'm assuming your particular cult/sect of the baptist church.

If they accept Jesus then salvation will be theirs. End of.


Baptism, Christening, Confirmation are all representation and public affirmation of faith or in the case of RC forced conscription.

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OK an example:- my children /grandchildren will be cast into the eternal fire of hell as a result of them not being baptised into the Christian faith , given your views of other "christian faiths" I'm assuming your particular cult/sect of the baptist church.

If they accept Jesus then salvation will be theirs. End of.


Baptism, Christening, Confirmation are all representation and public affirmation of faith or in the case of RC forced conscription.



You are working on the assumption that Jesus is real of course. And God, hell, angels, etc.


But then you are also forgetting that you are going to the other religions versions of hell because you are a non-believer.


Religions eh? Who'd 'av 'em?

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