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Another religious beheading in France


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There are pictures on Facebook showing what ISIS are doing to Christian children - crucifixion, mass execution and beatings, even a picture of a child too young to walk with four (yes, four) automatic gun muzzles held to its head. Now, how do you deal with people like that?

Jesus said that when attacked we should be as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves. I don't know what that means but as serpents are meant as poisonous dangerous and deadly when attacked I would read it as don't let such evil go confronted but at the same time don't go overboard.


Me? If I was face to face with such evil filth and had the means to do as much damage to it as I could then I would. I may be wrong and probably even am but there comes a point when what one faces isn't a test of faith but a desperate need to attack evil and if it costs me but benefits others can it really be so wrong after all?

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There are pictures on Facebook showing what ISIS are doing to Christian children - crucifixion, mass execution and beatings, even a picture of a child too young to walk with four (yes, four) automatic gun muzzles held to its head. Now, how do you deal with people like that?

Jesus said that when attacked we should be as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves. I don't know what that means but as serpents are meant as poisonous dangerous and deadly when attacked I would read it as don't let such evil go confronted but at the same time don't go overboard.


Me? If I was face to face with such evil filth and had the means to do as much damage to it as I could then I would. I may be wrong and probably even am but there comes a point when what one faces isn't a test of faith but a desperate need to attack evil and if it costs me but benefits others can it really be so wrong after all?



So when are you signing up to go do your Christian duty to fight the evil heathens then?

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There are pictures on Facebook showing what ISIS are doing to Christian children - crucifixion, mass execution and beatings, even a picture of a child too young to walk with four (yes, four) automatic gun muzzles held to its head. Now, how do you deal with people like that?

Jesus said that when attacked we should be as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves. I don't know what that means but as serpents are meant as poisonous dangerous and deadly when attacked I would read it as don't let such evil go confronted but at the same time don't go overboard.


Me? If I was face to face with such evil filth and had the means to do as much damage to it as I could then I would. I may be wrong and probably even am but there comes a point when what one faces isn't a test of faith but a desperate need to attack evil and if it costs me but benefits others can it really be so wrong after all?



So when are you signing up to go do your Christian duty to fight the evil heathens then?


Heathens are not evil. Misguided IMO, but not evil.

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No directed at you, just those banging the war drums from the safety of their armchairs...

I remember the night in Newtownards at a sorta motel, The West Winds, when a couple of us really thought that we were about to be attacked by the Provo's.


We weren't, but for the time that we thought that we were was memorable.

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Another thread disappears into La La Land.


There is no solution to this problem other than containment. These people are living in the dark ages.


I agree with you that they are living in the dark ages, Albert, but for your reference - the idea of a European "dark age" has long been dismissed by scholars.

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'churches' that CLAIMED to be Christian, especially the Roman Catholic church


Spook, can you please explain to a layman why Catholics aren't Christian


There are a number of reasons. Let's start with the glaringly obvious, the Latin Vulgate bible used by the Roman Catholic church.


To begin with in the LV the Decalogue (ten commandments set out in the Torah) have been changed by removing #2 and splitting a later one to restore the count.


It's why RC's have graven images and silly plaster statues.


Then there's priests setting themselves up as having the authority to deny man from entry to heaven by 'excommunicating' them. Pure heresy. It goes against the teaching of Christ.


Mary as an intermediary between God and man. Pure nonsense. It is absolutely unscriptural. There can be no intermediary between God and man.


Forgiveness of sin in the confessional. Again pure nonsense.


The only forgiveness of sin comes about when a man accepts Jesus as his saviour by taking on himself the sins of the sinner provided that the sinner truly repents what he has done, sets about putting right what he can, undertakes to follow the teaching of Jesus as best as he is able, and undertakes to sin no more as far as he is able and WHEN he does fail, when he realises he has to attempt to put right what he has done, and not do so again.


Purgatory. Totally unscriptural and utter BS. Especially evident by the way that the RC priests told people that souls sent ot this rubbish could be redeemed by payments made to the priests and the church.


The mass. Holy Communion is a memorial of the 'Last Supper' and NOT some sort of mystical thing where bread and wine become changed ito the living flesh and blood of anyone, least of all Jesus. IN any case the drinking of blood is absolutely prohibited by The Lord.


And so so much more.


I accept and even respect that increasingly people are turning away from The Lord. Their future, their choice, but when groups and organisations set themselves up to 'teach' Christianity and at the same time are so heretical and even blasphemous in all fairness it is hardly surprising.


And the Roman Catholic Church if not the worst is close to the top of that list, and certainly the biggest and looing back has been responsible for almost as much evil as Islam.

But you are all worshipping the same God, along with Jews and Muslims. You just have different ways of doing it. I'm sure he doesn't mind how you do it

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But you are all worshipping the same God, along with Jews and Muslims. You just have different ways of doing it. I'm sure he doesn't mind how you do it



No we are not worshipping the same God - that is new age or Baha'i rubbish. Muslims worship Allah, a henotheistic pagan moon deity. Christians worship Jesus, whom they think is god incarnate. I don't worship Allah or Jesus. If you read the texts of these religions, you'll clearly see the character and attributes of the deities are entirely different.

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There is no solution to this problem other than containment. These people are living in the dark ages.

That's working well isn't it? We have had atrocities on every continent in the name of Islam.



Well...we have tried interfering with their political systems, parachuting in our pre-approved dictators, invaded them, bombing them, democfreedomlibarised them and that hasn't worked.


Maybe if we stopped being such arseholes to them and left them in peace, maybe they would be less inclined to attack us.

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