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Another religious beheading in France


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He was a Muslim. But he was a Sufi.


Shhhh don't confuse him by explaining that all Muslims aren't angry brown people who hate him.


All of the schools of jurisprudence of islam reject the Sufi as even being islamic.



An "expert" on voices in his head, explaining to us that other "experts" in different voices in their heads can't agree on the validity of the voices in their heads.


If someone says their toaster is telling them its an all powerful sky wizard we lock them up. Someone says they hear the voice of a sky wizard in their head, we give them tax free status and allow them to think they should have an impact on the way the rest of us live.


Voices 'in the head' are the province of some prophets. A 'common or garden' Christian doesn't hear such voices, instead he follows the direction that, as best as he can judge, Jesus teaches us to do.

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So much there that I agree with except for one thing. A Christian does not worship Jesus.



You worship God and you believe Jesus is God Incarnate (John 1:1), the second person of the triune godhead. You can play word magic any way you want and call it a "relationship" or "communion", but praying to someone and revering them as a deity is worship in my books.


Jesus is not a deity. He is, as you write, a part of triune. We revere him as our saviour but that is not the same as worshiping him in the way that we worship and are Godfearing towards The Lord.


Probably best leave it here, it's running away from the thread and we'll soon end up with angels on pins!

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I listen to the voices in my head and think I am the only sane one. I also don't realise how amazingly coincidental that I picked a religion who's space wizard happens to have just the same ideals as I do. Shocking I know.


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Jesus teaches us to do.


Well...the people who edited the book, that was translated from the another book, which was hand written at the instruction of the Pope, who heard it from someone else, etc, etc.


But yeah, like it came from the word of Jesus himself...

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Koran seems to be doing pretty well though.


Same shit different publisher

Categorically not.


Although I can appreciate (but not agree with) people who do not believe in The Lord and His place as creator, or understand what Christianity is really all about the Qur'ran is an entirely different thing from The Bible in every way.

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Koran seems to be doing pretty well though.

Same shit different publisher

Categorically not.


Although I can appreciate (but not agree with) people who do not believe in The Lord and His place as creator, or understand what Christianity is really all about the Qur'ran is an entirely different thing from The Bible in every way.



You mean its not a religious text passed down from one goat herder to another, about a what is ultimately a sky wizard with magical powers who demands you love him or else?


All hocus pocus is just that, myths and bed times stories design to keep the masses stupid and poor.

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Koran seems to be doing pretty well though.


Same shit different publisher

Categorically not.

Although I can appreciate (but not agree with) people who do not believe in The Lord and His place as creator, or understand what Christianity is really all about the Qur'ran is an entirely different thing from The Bible in every way.

You mean its not a religious text passed down from one goat herder to another, about a what is ultimately a sky wizard with magical powers who demands you love him or else?


All hocus pocus is just that, myths and bed times stories design to keep the masses stupid and poor.

So what created the Universe?

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So what created the Universe?



I don't know. And neither does anyone else, past or present. Someone in the future may work it out, but until then I await the answer. Scientists have theorised that the Big Bang started it all, but they are still working on it.


Theologists claim that their particular faiths origin story is the right one, but we only have hand me down myths to go on. And there are literally thousands of those.

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