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Another religious beheading in France


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Religion comes from the period of human pre-history where nobody had the smallest idea what was going on. Any holy book that gives laws about how to keep slaves is discredited as a source of moral code. To terrify young children with images of hell, to consider women as an inferior creation, if that really good for the world?


Mormons believe that Jesus came to America, that wearing magic underwear will ward off demonic attacks, and that when they die they will be deported to a distant planet where they will become gods in their own right. Ridiculous? OK well this Sunday go and eat some magic bread which transforms into the flesh of a 2000 year old middle eastern jew so that you can be forgiven for a sin you were born with because a woman was tricked into eating a piece of fruit by a talking snake.

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Religion comes from the period of human pre-history where nobody had the smallest idea what was going on. Any holy book that gives laws about how to keep slaves is discredited as a source of moral code. To terrify young children with images of hell, to consider women as an inferior creation, if that really good for the world?


Mormons believe that Jesus came to America, that wearing magic underwear will ward off demonic attacks, and that when they die they will be deported to a distant planet where they will become gods in their own right. Ridiculous? OK well this Sunday go and eat some magic bread which transforms into the flesh of a 2000 year old middle eastern jew so that you can be forgiven for a sin you were born with because a woman was tricked into eating a piece of fruit by a talking snake.


She gets it.

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She doesn't.


Go on then. Explain the creation of the universe from your assumed position of authority based on your work of fiction. However provide peer reviewed evidence for completions sake.

The Bible is not a work of fiction. Creation of the universe is the handwork of the Lord. It has been peer reviewed by thousands of millions of people over thousands of years who have put their trust and faith in The Lord and found they have not been disappointed.


The mistake that many people make, well two actually, firstly is to understand just how mighty The Lord actually is, he is infinite, and the second is to anthropomorphise The Lord.


He created Man in his image, He did not clone Himself.

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Religion comes from the period of human pre-history where nobody had the smallest idea what was going on. Any holy book that gives laws about how to keep slaves is discredited as a source of moral code. To terrify young children with images of hell, to consider women as an inferior creation, if that really good for the world?


This is certainly a narrative that serves the atheist position, but I don't think it's accurate.


The ancients were not as ignorant of the world around them as many of us seem to think. The idea that the ancients were primitives has been largely discredited and there have been studies showing human beings have been becoming less and less intelligent over the millenia.


The modern word 'slave' doesn't have the same meaning as the indentured servitutde which was under discussion in the Old testament. At no point does it condone it, it merely regulated it and clearly in a way which regarded it as a negative thing.

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People are dead...and you continue to talk bollocks. Have some respect.


Then stop trying to use the death of these people at the hands of Muslim terrorists as an excuse to trash the beliefs of Christians and Jews and promote your atheist anti-religious propaganda. Have some respect.

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It is ironic to watch a debate between people who know all the answers because they believe in God and people who know all the answers because they believe in no God. Both believe their position to be supported by reason and right.


Spook: How do you know that those who found the Lord were not disappointed? I assume that they believe that they will dwell with Him eternally after death, but you can have no way of knowing that they do. Unless you mean that they just die happy in thinking they are going to a better place. Do you think you are going to a better place? Do you fear death? Perhaps there is just oblivion after death, like eternal sleep.


At the same time we have those who make fun of other peoples' deeply held beliefs as in the sky wizard references. I lean more toward their argument frankly, but they should not be so cocky about it. We know too little about the nature of existence to be so smug in our musings on it.

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....but they should not be so cocky about it.....


How's that? After all, it may be a reaction to the cocky influence and un-derserved sense of entitlement (as far as secularists and some Atheists are concerned) afforded to religion and its sensibilities on a daily basis. I am sympathetic to this. The National Secular Society's website has a daily update on the shenanigans and power-moves going on behind the scenes which influence everyone's lives- like it or not...!

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Atheism - or, rather, fundamentalist atheism - IS a religion as far as I'm concerned. Or at least on a similar level as religion - with its own dogmas and theology, its sheep and its thinkers. Like any other system or paradigm, it sets limitation on your thoughts.


Now, don't get me wrong - I agree with atheists about the retardedness of religion, but at the same time I think Atheism is akin to a retarded religion. I think agnosticism is a more rational position. I know Quilp thinks Agnostics are fence-sitters, lukewarm, intellectual cowards, but that is to imply a conflict and that one must take sides. Why can't a person seperate themselves from the divide between theism and atheism and simply say: I don't know? Why is "I don't know" so unacceptable to the atheist as it is to the theist? Still, I don't regard myself an agnostic. I know there is some supreme being. Not necessarily the "god" of religion. I think both are primitive belief systems.

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but that is to imply a conflict and that one must take sides....


Look, that's the way it is. Taking sides is just a way of addressing the balance for secularists and Atheists.


No big deal, it's healthy for society, fairness and equality....


Back on topic....


More than 30 brits slaughtered in Tunisia. Heart-breaking. If anything, it is focusing debate about the subject of islam, closer to home. Liam Fox, on Newsnight earlier, accepting that the original figures for 'British' Jihadis marching off to war were way off the mark and nearer to 3000, maybe more. He went on to talk of the ''three types of Jihad''. It seems a more open debate is un-folding about the radicalisation by preachers being fomented in local mosques, for instance, and what the muslim community isn't doing about it. Trojan Horse, Tower Hamlets et al, are sticky subjects. So much ambiguity in the culture of the ''religion of peace''; if it is to survive it needs its own version of the Reformation and renew itself (preferably re-named, 'Waslam'), modernise, if possible


The continuing slaughter in the name of, across the (round) world, but more importantly closer to home, carries no favours and asks many questions.


(Ergo: conflict and taking sides)


To add: My views on fence-sitters hasn't changed....

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So what created the Universe?

Nobody knows so, based on that ignorance, we'll make something up like a supreme being and call it whatever name we have for our god. With no way to disprove the bit we made up it goes on and on and on but.......it is made up. And rubbish.


Religion has always been about power and control and this has never more been the case in certain religions now.

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