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Another religious beheading in France


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She doesn't.

Go on then. Explain the creation of the universe from your assumed position of authority based on your work of fiction. However provide peer reviewed evidence for completions sake.

The Bible is not a work of fiction. Creation of the universe is the handwork of the Lord. It has been peer reviewed by thousands of millions of people over thousands of years who have put their trust and faith in The Lord and found they have not been disappointed.


The mistake that many people make, well two actually, firstly is to understand just how mighty The Lord actually is, he is infinite, and the second is to anthropomorphise The Lord.


He created Man in his image, He did not clone Himself.



Usual existential waffle with no basis in rational or reasoned debate. Your input is void.

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The Bible is not a work of fiction. blah blah Creation of the universe is the handwork of the Lord. blah blah blah


.....put their trust and faith in The Lord etc., etc.


The Lord actually is, he is infinite, blah, blah, blah....


He created Man in his image, He did not clone Himself.




Usual existential waffle with no basis in rational or reasoned debate. Your input is void.



Surely the ''waffle'' is the subject of (much) (un)reasoned debate? Spooks delusions are typical of many; the assumption of absolute truth, and nothing else, with its undue influence on society is very much worthy of debate.


So hardly void..?

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By giving it any credibility it allows the lie to perpetuate.



It would appear a great many people seek to find solace and conformation in the ''lie''. It has substance in the hearts of believers: a filler of spiritual-void for the 'lost soul'.


I can see its pernicious attraction....

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It would appear a great many people seek to find solace and conformation in the ''lie''. It has substance in the hearts of believers: a filler of spiritual-void for the 'lost soul'.


I can see its pernicious attraction....



An emotional crutch as it were or maybe a carte blanche for being a dick to others "because God said so"

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Got to love the UK Government...


"We will hold a minutes silence to remember the victims of the Tunisian attack"


"We will be looking to bomb Syria any day now"


When are they going to realise that this kind of circular that keeps the cycle of violence going?

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By giving it any credibility it allows the lie to perpetuate.



It would appear a great many people seek to find solace and conformation in the ''lie''. It has substance in the hearts of believers: a filler of spiritual-void for the 'lost soul'.


I can see its pernicious attraction....



It isn't a lie. God is real. I know it.

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I notice how they militarised the return of the bodies yesterday, and then announced bombings.

It's all part of the plan though, Albert. Readying the population for war. Ratcheting up the ante. There'll be hell to pay because the air-attacks won't put a stop to this, ISIS aren't going away overnight, the only thing that might curtail the horror is boots on the ground. The 'West' knows this. Between them, the 'Coalition', as we knew it, have a mess to clean up. And of course the failed states that now exist because of the interventions, Libya, Iraq, the instability created since the, so-called, 'Arab Spring' need to co-operate. Learn to live together. Another thing that isn't going to happen overnight.


Eventually, because of ISIS's forays into Gaza, it's only a matter of time before Israel becomes involved. Then the shit's really going to hit the fan.

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Isis are too cowardly to take on the IDF. They prefer to target innocent and unarmed women and children.

Maybe ISIS would turn and run when faced with an organised opponent, but I doubt it. They may well be nothing more than rag-tag sand-pirates but they're still driven by an extremist ideology which is akin to modern-day kamikaze. You can't kill an idea. It's this that is the problem.


I see it almost impossible to de-programme the thousands of radicalised, angry young muslim(as) who've tried democracy and didn't like it. Who feel that the structure of Sharia promises more 'order'. It's what they identify with. Which is why, if they wish to go they should be allowed, even helped on their way. Stripped of their citizenship, of course. The fuss over families leaving is a creation helped along by hand-wringing media. They wanted to go, they must be fully aware of the risks. Fortunately, the majority leaving these shores are angry young would-be Jihadist's radicalised by hate-preachers in mosques and on the internet. That there are children involved IS a tragedy. One can only hope they end up in peaceful areas away from the action and not used as pawns in the coming conflagration, as in Gaza.


Sadly, we'll hear a lot more of these 'Lone Wolf' spectacular's, all over Europe, sympathetic to the cause. When the bombing starts...

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