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UK Budget


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Anyone interested in the UK budget should listen to BBC Radio 4 at 3PM. It will put more pressure on Eddie Teare and his attempt to attract people and companies to the rock.

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Anyone interested in the UK budget should listen to BBC Radio 4 at 3PM. It will put more pressure on Eddie Teare and his attempt to attract people and companies to the rock.


Ooh! Which in turn will put more pressure on your little Cornish underpants.

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It err, well, the minimum wage increase is very good news. I hope this increases. The benefits cuts I can agree with too as they're badly required.


Personal allowance increase was expected anyway, so no biggy there.


Still think tax should be increased on the very rich though (£43,000 does not make one rich in any sense of the word).


All in all, another good-ish Conservative budget. You're right though GD4ELI, it does put pressure on the Isle of Man.

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It was much as expected. Some good stuff but I'm not sure they have the deficit tackled sufficiently and the debt continues to rise inexorably. At some stage they are going to have to stop living beyond their means and that will be painful.

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It was much as expected. Some good stuff but I'm not sure they have the deficit tackled sufficiently and the debt continues to rise inexorably. At some stage they are going to have to stop living beyond their means and that will be painful.


Did you see the schedule: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33445558

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It was much as expected. Some good stuff but I'm not sure they have the deficit tackled sufficiently and the debt continues to rise inexorably. At some stage they are going to have to stop living beyond their means and that will be painful.


Did you see the schedule: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33445558


Yes. If it happens. Don't forget that this is very similar to what he said in 2010. I accept that there can be some more serious cuts made now that the Liberals are safely out of the way. However, even if it does happen, this is only tackling the current deficit and meanwhile the debt continues to mount inexorably to monumental proportions.



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"Trebling in £15million fund for church roof appeals"

"Government to provide £1million to commemorate 600th anniversary of Agincourt"

Fecking what?!?!?


"Measures on tax avoidance and evasion to raise £3.1billion over the forecast period"

Well considering they lose £19 billion a year, I would love to hear what they plan to do about the other £16 billion or so.

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So when are they going to start hitting businesses that pay almost no tax on their UK revenue?


Because going after people on benefits is going to solve all the problems....


Do you keep up with the news in the EU?

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So when are they going to start hitting businesses that pay almost no tax on their UK revenue?


Because going after people on benefits is going to solve all the problems....

Both should be priorities.


Work should be made to pay and benefits should be a safety net, not a lifestyle choice. There are some measures in the budget aiming to achieve this. Rises in minimum wage and tax allowances while holding down benefits should get some of the wasters off their backsides so that available welfare funds can be better targeted at the genuinely weak and vulnerable.


As for hitting businesses that pay no tax in the UK, the Coalition did more on this in 5 years than Labour did in 13, but it was only a start. There should be full country by country reporting of profits for taxation purposes. No artificial upstreaming to tax havens. You want to do business in the territory, you pay tax in the territory with no exceptions. You don't want to pay? Fine. Goodbye, you don't trade here. This might be bad for tax havens but it is the right thing to do for national tax bases and for a level playing field for both global and indigenous businesses. There are moves towards this at long last. Good!

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Anyone interested in the UK budget should listen to BBC Radio 4 at 3PM. It will put more pressure on Eddie Teare and his attempt to attract people and companies to the rock.

How? You've said yourself that with good planning you don't need to move over here anymore to minimise your tax liability?

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