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UK Budget


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... the Aga...


Try running one of them on benefits - probably be cheaper cooking over an open fire of £5 notes.

We use an Aga because that was what was in the house when we bought it. Small and efficient cookers can be had at second hand stores for anything from £5 depending on how much cleaning is needed.


That's the point when living on someone else's money, a person has to realise they simply can't have new and very often must clean what they can afford. People living on tax payers money or supported by tax payers money should expect to live at the same standard or quality as those who are paying their own way.

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Budget Day + 2 days of number crunching


The Indy front page:


13 million families worse off


True cost of the Budget


Tax and benefits changes will hit UK households, respected think-tank warns


Poorest homes will lose £800 a year


The Daily Wail front page:




Graph showing how it's a typical tory budget. Well, since Thatcher came to power anyway:




A 'one-nation' budget. What a sick joke that is...





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Budget Day + 2 days of number crunching


The Indy front page:


13 million families worse off


True cost of the Budget


Tax and benefits changes will hit UK households, respected think-tank warns


Poorest homes will lose £800 a year


The Daily Wail front page:




Graph showing how it's a typical tory budget. Well, since Thatcher came to power anyway:




A 'one-nation' budget. What a sick joke that is...


One word, PK, GOOD.


It's how it should be.

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As long as they get enough benefit to pay you the rent, eh Spook?

In my case I have no mortgaged property although I wouldn't be swinging from the chandeliers if the market rate for rented property declined I really would be willing to take it on the chin.


In fact I would like to see a return of some form of rent act. Despite what a great many people here probably think I'm not a totally mercenary SOB.

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Despite what a great many people here probably think I'm not a totally mercenary SOB.


Well I don't think that. I just think you're a dick.

Oh just go and tell your mother she wants you.

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I'd be wary of that graph TBH. I appreciate that the IFS is supposed to be impartial, but then so is the BBC and we all know how neutral they are. Who knows what agendas the people who inhabit these organisations have?


It is true to say that if you are trying to move people from benefits to work you are not going to do so without making a life on benefits less attractive.That is obvious and desirable. I appreciate that some of the cuts are to the so-called "working benefits", tax credits etc. but they were mainly a product of the Brown years excesses, when the make believe money was flowing out of the walls. It is certainly not sustainable. It remains to be seen how this pans out but the compulsory minimum wage should assist in differentiating work from sloth and it is £1 an hour more than Miliband was proposing. It is not right that taxpayers of modest means are subsidising multi-national businesses to employ people on very low pay. Not fair on better paying employers nor on the NI fund. The benefits budget needs to be better targeted to those who are ill and incapable of work. Not to those for whom it is an inconvenience.

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One word, PK, GOOD.


It's how it should be.

You're clearly pleased that the poorest in the society you live in have been hit hardest by this 'one-nation' budget.


You're really quite disgusting, aren't you.


I trust you noticed the lack of a question mark in the above sentence...

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I'd be wary of that graph TBH. I appreciate that the IFS is supposed to be impartial, but then so is the BBC and we all know how neutral they are. Who knows what agendas the people who inhabit these organisations have?


Well, the BBC are mandated with always trying to produce 'balanced' reporting. Personally in the main I think they do a pretty good job. So for me the accolade of "Most trusted broadcaster on the planet" is well earned.


The problem Aunty has is that eg on reporting on the latest budget they have a duty to tell the truth. The truth is that the poorest households have been hit the hardest. They broadcast that and the right-wing press, which is pretty much all of them, will call "foul!" and lambast the corporation for "bias", which means they just can't win.


The C of E hits the same problem. They speak up on the humanitarian issues of things like food banks and they promptly cop it with accusations that "The C of E shouldn't meddle in politics!" or similar. Of course, they're not actually "meddling in politics" but rather speaking up for those at the very bottom of the food chain that the government of the day, even tory ones, have a duty of care to ALL of their citizens and not just the ones that vote tory.


Water off a ducks back...

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Taking ourselves we live quite comfortably on around £30 per week on food for the two of us


What? What on earth do you eat?

£2.14 a day per person? I call bullshit of the highest order.

Why not, some care homes here budget around £1.70 per day to feed their residents.

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What's that proverb about camels and eyes of needles?

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God


But so what when God does not exist, unless you know otherwise

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