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UK Budget


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Surely disposing of one's assets prior to 'conking out" is a method of (legal) tax evasion.


What one does with one's assets is entirely one's own concern but I would hesitate to leave them to a charitable organisation/ trust as the Trustees , it would appear in my limited experience, seldom share the same vision as the benefactor( particularly if the bank manager/accountant/solicitor are made 'trustees') .


Just saying

If the objective of gifting was simply to avoid tax would be tax avoidance but if the intent was primarily to pass on financial security to ones kids then it is not. When it comes to the remainder then I would have left a portion to the RNLI but having seen the RNLI send British boats paid for by British contributors for use around British shores along with other RNLI resources to Africa when there was a flood that immediately became a no no for us.



That's an interesting Christian view.

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Anything Spook does or thinks is upright, ethical and morally incontrovertible.

Anything anyone else does or thinks to the contrary, is vile, improperly motivated and morally corrupt.

Typical Christian.

Gladys, I'm by next means perfect, and by no means a good example of what I should be which I regret --- but I try.


Nor do I think that anyone who does not do as I do or have the same values that I have is vile or morally corrupt. As for being improperly motivated, that depends.


But in the case of the RNLI getting involved in the African flood people have contributed to an institution that provides a selfless service to people who get in the need of help around Britain.


No doubt some people will not see a difference based on where people in need are but I do. In the same way our NHS is supposed to be a health service for British people, not for any low life that breaks into our country and demands and usually gets what WE have paid for and to which they have absolutly no right to predate off. Especially the scum who having become infected by AIDS then once having broken into our country use the human rights nonsense to avoid being kicked out to where they have come from which is what should take place.



There is a lot to be recognised as being both true and morally correct in the saying that charity starts at home but I would add that in the case of organised charities unless specifically set out in the scope of what they do that charity should remain at home.

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