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Our slave shame

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Anybody watch the excellent value for licence fee money bbc program on slave owners last night ..pretty eye opening- I thought we stopped slavery cos we good eggs and it was wrong ..The equivalent of 17 billion pounds was paid out. No, not to the slaves, but to recompense the slave owners..aand a little more research reveals that the 17 billion paid to these owners came from a Rothschild loan to the government ...so everyone a winner except of course for the slaves and the poor British taxpayer..absolute fucking genius

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At least we got rid of slavery. What the media never tell you is that the Anglo-American slave trade only accounted for 10% of the world slave trade. Instead of living in the past and exclusively obsessing on Britain and America, why not focus on the present day slavery in Islamic countries? Slavery is worse today than it ever was before.

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think the next one is on tonight the bees .. iplayer at the weekend it is for me and my now considerably less impressed by opulence daughter.. did you search your name? quite a few possibles in my line , though fuck knows where the money went..im certainly not (directly at least) living off the proceeds am happy to say..

as for present day cant really focus too much ex smackhead because i dont know too much about it other than primark, nike , apple etc

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Such was our humanity, we got rid of it. It's a credit to the British people and their enlightenment that as Britain became more and more a democracy, slavery and empire became less and less sustainable due to public opinion and were done away with. Prior to that, these things were maintained by the ruling class and were not the fault of ordinary people. As soon as ordinary people had access to real-decision making, we got rid of these things. Not that empire and slavery are one and the same. The Empire was a great force for good in the world, civilising it and spreading democracy, education and building up the infrastructure of other countries. Let's not be so down on ourselves. As I said, Britain and America were only involved in 10% of the worldwide slave trade back in the 18th century, and we weren't really involved in it for all that long. Why not ask who was responsible for the other 90% and who is still responsible for slavery today? History is of little use if you don't use it to do something about the present.

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thanks chinahand, please could you also post a link to the searchable database? sorry, i dont know how to.. i do know though that ben affleck tried to block announcement of the fact his direct line hugely profited from the payments, i find that quite disturbing somehow



It's not exactly difficult to find.


Start here


and you'll find this:


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thanks me old chinaflowers.gif . not just lazy, dont know how to post links.. your patience in all matters is actually quite inspiring thank you

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and will we ever become enlightened enough to pay the slaves descendants a similar amount of compensation?


Speak for yourself. My ancestors never owned slaves.


How do you know? 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 gg gp, 32 ggg gp, 64 gggg gp, 128 ggggg gp.


Slavery was abolished in 1833 - that is ggggg gp territory for most of us. You know details of all these people. Sceptical.

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