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Our slave shame

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and will we ever become enlightened enough to pay the slaves descendants a similar amount of compensation?


Speak for yourself. My ancestors never owned slaves.


How do you know? 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 gg gp, 32 ggg gp, 64 gggg gp, 128 ggggg gp.


Slavery was abolished in 1833 - that is ggggg gp territory for most of us. You know details of all these people. Sceptical.



The burden of proof is on you if you want me to get out my wallet and pay somebody. At the same rate, it is just as likely I had slave ancestors or abolitionist ancestors.

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an enlightened attitude


I hope you don't get the impression I'm unsympathetic? Slavery was a great evil. My main point is, it still IS. Why obsess over past wrongs, when they pale in comparison to what is still happening today? I think we would all be better off learning lessons from the past and treating each other humanely now, uplift each other, and try and change things. Opening old wounds and talking about reparations just fuels racial divisions now, at a time when we should be coming together to fight to empower each other. It's usual divide and conquer tactics. I would have thought you'd appreciate that all this talk of race is part of a political agenda.

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and will we ever become enlightened enough to pay the slaves descendants a similar amount of compensation?

Let the people who owned them pay. It's got nothing to do with us today.


We should also keep in mind that most slaves were harvested by their neighbours and the infamous arab slavers who also abducted people from the UK.

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"We" already have paid in the form of Rothschild loan repayments spook. Thing is the money went to the wrong people, many of which are still very rich centuries on off the back of it

I disagree.


The compensation was rightly made to the owners who had invested considerable sums in land and the means to farm it, and who were now faced with the loss of the means to do so.


If any payments should be made to the nth. generation of the slaves it should be paid by the arab slavers, and the negros who captured other negros during the constant tribal wars that were (and still are) a feature of the indigenous life in Africa.

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Not sure why you keep saying "Rothschild" loan repayment as if it adds some sinister quality to it. It's a moot description given they bankrolled the British Government in most matters at the time. They bankrolled the Industrial Revolution in the north which led to developments in textile manufacturing which in turn made slavery redundant anyway. The writing was already on the wall.


However, back at the time, the only way to get abolition was to compromise with the slaveowners, whose influence was considerable, which meant financial compensation to literally buy the slaves and set them free. Why you think the British Government buying slaves and setting them free is not a commendable thing is a mystery to me. It may seem wrong now, with the luxury of hindsight, to have paid the slaveowners, rather than the slaves themselves, but it was a necessary compromise needed at the time to get abolition passed.

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Not sure why you keep saying "Rothschild" loan repayment as if it adds some sinister quality to it. It's a moot description given they bankrolled the British Government in most matters at the time. They bankrolled the Industrial Revolution in the north which led to developments in textile manufacturing which in turn made slavery redundant anyway. The writing was already on the wall.


However, back at the time, the only way to get abolition was to compromise with the slaveowners, whose influence was considerable, which meant financial compensation to literally buy the slaves and set them free. Why you think the British Government buying slaves and setting them free is not a commendable thing is a mystery to me. It may seem wrong now, with the luxury of hindsight, to have paid the slaveowners, rather than the slaves themselves, but it was a necessary compromise needed at the time to get abolition passed.

The reason that the name Rothschild is played on is to attempt to introduce a jew involvement in what is a real anti-Semitic smear.


It's playing the 'Fagin' card where in reality there is no such card to play and I am yet to see where there is or ever has been anywhere or anytime.


What never gets mentioned are the motives of the US Northern 'abolitionist' states and the massive economic interests that the Northern states had in damaging the economic power of the South.

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Anyone else think Spook is really just a massive troll?

Yet again.


Is it REALLY so difficult to realise that if someone has views that are non-PC and run against the present trend is not a 'troll' be it massive or anorexic?

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Anyone else think Spook is really just a massive troll?

Yet again.


Is it REALLY so difficult to realise that if someone has views that are non-PC and run against the present trend is not a 'troll' be it massive or anorexic?



There is not being PC and there is being bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, etc. I think it hard to be believe that someone could hold all the views you do for real and can only assume that you like saying contrary things for the fun of it. For example, in this thread you suggest that those who had slaves removed from them should have been compensated but those that were actually the slaves should not. That cannot be the position of any human being with an once of decency in them, let alone one who claims to be a Christian.

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Anyone else think Spook is really just a massive troll?

Yet again.


Is it REALLY so difficult to realise that if someone has views that are non-PC and run against the present trend is not a 'troll' be it massive or anorexic?



There is not being PC and there is being bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, etc. I think it hard to be believe that someone could hold all the views you do for real and can only assume that you like saying contrary things for the fun of it. For example, in this thread you suggest that those who had slaves removed from them should have been compensated but those that were actually the slaves should not. That cannot be the position of any human being with an once of decency in them, let alone one who claims to be a Christian.


Here we go AGAIN.


I'm NOT bigoted, I have firmly held views based on experience and what is taking place in the world today. That is not being bigoted.


I am NOT xenophobic. I have a pride in my nationality and race.


I am NOT homophobic, like so many people I find same sex intimacy obnoxious.


I am NOT racist, I simply do not accept that everyone is equal irrespective of race. Some races are better at siome things than others.


Is that so wrong?

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