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Our slave shame

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Anyone else think Spook is really just a massive troll?

Yet again.


Is it REALLY so difficult to realise that if someone has views that are non-PC and run against the present trend is not a 'troll' be it massive or anorexic?



There is not being PC and there is being bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, etc. I think it hard to be believe that someone could hold all the views you do for real and can only assume that you like saying contrary things for the fun of it. For example, in this thread you suggest that those who had slaves removed from them should have been compensated but those that were actually the slaves should not. That cannot be the position of any human being with an once of decency in them, let alone one who claims to be a Christian.


Here we go AGAIN.


I'm NOT bigoted, I have firmly held views based on experience and what is taking place in the world today. That is not being bigoted.


I am NOT xenophobic. I have a pride in my nationality and race.


I am NOT homophobic, like so many people I find same sex intimacy obnoxious.


I am NOT racist, I simply do not accept that everyone is equal irrespective of race. Some races are better at siome things than others.


Is that so wrong?



That's got to be trolling, claiming not to be something and then pretty much stating the dictionary definition of that action in defence.









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The reason that the name Rothschild is played on is to attempt to introduce a jew involvement

I more or less agree. And if not Jews in the specific racial or cultural sense - then certainly it is about blaming international-financiers and imaginary elites. Which has been code for Jew throughout most of the past two centuries.


Which is also what the so called anti-capitalists and populist conspiracy theorists do when they complain about "banksters", fractional-reserve, Zionism etc. We've been here before.

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There's tons of Manx slavery links. It was just done at the time. There's a quite famous one called Hugh Crowe, that said it's better to be a slave on a cotton plantation than a bog standard worker in Britain with great examples.


Some quotes on here are basic repeats of what people say now - the Rich get richer, and poor work hours a week for a measly existence (obviously the measly existence is a bit better now, but the rich are much better off):


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Whether you view something as left or right wing depends on your starting viewpoint really


It also depends on a person's age which also affects ones political and social opinions.


Generally as people gain life experience they move to the right. I suppose it's where learning and exposure to the world moves most folk from idealism to realism.

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Anyone else think Spook is really just a massive troll?

Yet again.


Is it REALLY so difficult to realise that if someone has views that are non-PC and run against the present trend is not a 'troll' be it massive or anorexic?




Those anorexic troll's are bit thin on the ground these days ...

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Whether you view something as left or right wing depends on your starting viewpoint really


It also depends on a person's age which also affects ones political and social opinions.




This is very true. In my teens I had communist views, but you learn. Of course there was nothing like the den of liberals at the BBC and elsewhere in those days pumping out the slanted propaganda. However, to think that the BBC today has a right wing bias, you would have to be standing somewhere to the left of Marx himself.

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Whether you view something as left or right wing depends on your starting viewpoint really


It also depends on a person's age which also affects ones political and social opinions.




This is very true. In my teens I had communist views, but you learn. Of course there was nothing like the den of liberals at the BBC and elsewhere in those days pumping out the slanted propaganda. However, to think that the BBC today has a right wing bias, you would have to be standing somewhere to the left of Marx himself.


or in the snp......

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I like you spook but your age shows in your views ..too late to change that I do actually feel you a decent person just a little naive..I would imagine your kids on a knife edge when their mates were round in the past.

I made an effort not to push my opinions onto my kids though I did try to install my values where what I considered important such as earning their own living, honesty in all things, self respect and so forth and although we both educated our kids in Christianity and Christian values unlike some we didn't push it down their throats unlike some people we know who actually tied up their kids garden swing on Sunday.


Now the older one keeps his values and regularly attends church at least once a year (!) while the other has become a Pastafarian! If he actually has or not I'm not sure, he may be just trying to wind up his old man!


Bloomin' kids!


But no, I didn't push my beliefs onto my kids. What they took they took because they wanted to and as for their mates ----- what little we had to do with them was usually constrained to passing out fizzy drinks and sandwiches and otherwise keeping out of the way!

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The reason that the name Rothschild is played on is to attempt to introduce a jew involvement

I more or less agree. And if not Jews in the specific racial or cultural sense - then certainly it is about blaming international-financiers and imaginary elites. Which has been code for Jew throughout most of the past two centuries.


Which is also what the so called anti-capitalists and populist conspiracy theorists do when they complain about "banksters", fractional-reserve, Zionism etc. We've been here before.



I just found it peculiar that the bank which bankrolled government spending on something should be so specifically mentioned, as if it had any importance which bank it was. If it had been HSBC or Barclays, I doubt he'd have mentioned it.

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