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Our slave shame

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Yes these lazy welfare claimants should get themselves a couple of slaves to earn them their fortunes whilst they are off shooting big game

They wouldn't put themselves out. Instead they'd be watching it on their 50 inch wide screen 3d TV.

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No shame in slavery and/or the slave trade. Biggest mistake is to judge the past by the standrds of the present...


People were treated pretty badly in Britain and many barely better than slaves ie poor day labourers, boys up chimmneys etc. Ag Labourers on ten bob a week cut to 8 bob a week.


There is a good boook on the Isle of Man involvement in the slave trade (Up to the hilt!)...You might get a copy to read in Manx Museum/Archives etc...I think it names the local families who benefited...The name of "Crowe" springs to mind...Manx Radio did a feature on the book years ago.


Old Manxies in 1986 when I got interested in IOm history told me that in their day you could see darker folk whose ancestors (Manx) had come back from the slave trade and taken coloured/mulatto wives...


Quite a few IOM mansions and estates stem from the slave trade and down some back water part of Douglas outskirts I came across a massive house that was out of "Gone with the Wind" in style.


Compensating the slave owners was a quck fix. It was Nationalisation like the steel works,railways and shipyards....coal mines etc. Buy them off problem solved


The last slave ship was intercepted by Admiral J McHardy who about 1840 became first Chief Constable of Essex.. A pub with his name is three minutes from my door.


The money from compensating the slave owners fuelled the regeneration of the UK as the money was invested. As the show said, many people owned slaves by proxy ie widows, endowed schools etc, annuitants etc. They inherited the returns and had no direct contact. These were the widspread majority and if thse small income streams ad dried up then the UK and IOM would have been in a massive slump and one affecting "the middling sort"...ie the nice Jane Austen type people

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