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Putin's Russia and the New Cold War


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Its quite simple really.


Destabilise a country, back one side in the conflict while reducing the countries ability to defend or support itself (under the guise of "helping"), and then move onto the next.


The West is destroying Arab nations ability to defend themselves, and reducing their ability to stand united when "we" move it to monopolise the resources (i.e. oil).

Goodness you really have one jaundiced view of the west. You think Syria is the way it is because the US wants to monopolise its oil resources?



Not just Syria, but the whole of the Middle East. This is a long term plan to destabilise the entire region to weaken the sovereign nations to the point where they will not be able to resist and be plundered. Iraq and Afghanistan were practice runs.

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We have produced several generations a large percentage of whom are indoctrinated with hate of the west whilst living the relatively soft and comfy life it affords. It's akin to survivor guilt. A strange phenomenon.


Once again, because you can't seem to look past your own narrow definitions: I do not hate the West. I hate the Imperialist and expansionist practices of the respective governments driven by the greed of certain groups and individuals.


As a society we are becoming numb to the concept of perpetual conflict, with the wholesale of innocent deaths becoming a meaningless statistic in a flash in the pan news story.


As is with the likes of Woolley, Chickenhawks are more than ready to cluck for "boots on the ground" in some far flund country, blissfully ignorant to misery it will cause not just for said "boots" but for the country involved.


Do we honestly think "we" are making things better in Syria? We certainly didn't in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. I know we are making things worse in Yemen, selling weapons to the Saudi's to commit genocide with (oh and by the way Saudi is one of the biggest financiers of IS...but as long as they are buying, we'll keep selling).


I don't hate the West, just the cunts determined to drive us into something that we'll never get out of.

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What would you call our misadventures into the Middle East?


They clearly have no benefit to the man on the street. Someone if gaining from all this death and destruction.


What a good little cheer leader you are. I suggest a couple of days down at Headley Court to give you some perspective.

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What is your solution for the issue of Syria?


A very difficult question to answer.


By getting involved in Syria, we have made the situation worse. By providing aid to the "moderate" rebels (who for the most part turned out to be more aligned with IS than we would of liked), we have compounded the conflict and helped spread the influence of IS in the region.


When talking about "solving" the Syria issue, we tend to look at it from our own angle (i.e. how it effects us). How to stall/defeat IS, how to deal with the refugee crisis and how to remove Assad (which is the West's ultimate goal).


What we should have done as part of a combined UN force (with security and aid being its main purpose rather than purely military aggression) is annex regions of Syria to create safe zones.


But sadly now the "box" has been opened and we have committed to bombing away.

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... A combined UN force? What planet are you on? So the security council, of whom both the US and Russia are a part of, and thus can veto anything the other proposes, is going to put a force together...

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... A combined UN force? What planet are you on? So the security council, of whom both the US and Russia are a part of, and thus can veto anything the other proposes, is going to put a force together...


If they got past their petty squabble over Assad, they could deal with IS, and then worry about the democratic process in Syria.


Trying to "dethrone" Assad and fight IS at the same time is a pointless exercise.

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UN needs a long term plan for Africa


It's got one. Keep corrupt idiots in power and turn a blind eye to where all the cash goes whilst allowing international corporations to rape it's natural resources and use it's population as guinea pigs for experimental pharmaceutical products. Has been for decades, that's pretty long term.

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