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Putin's Russia and the New Cold War


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(Puts cat amongst the pidgeons)


Cor...IS have been "relatively" quiet in Europe since Brexit was announced and the Tory leadership sorted out.


Good job security was one of the main driving points of the Leave campaign (after sorting out those "bloody immigrants".

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Granted this was before a few other attacks but I think the statement holds true.


Considering the UK is in a constant state of terrorist fear, there has not been a single terrorism fatality in the UK in 2016 (well, there was that old prison officer fella who had a heart attack after a car bomb went off in Northern Ireland).

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... And how many people have been caught planing outrages and convicted for it?


The lack of results isn't evidence for a lack of trying.


The risks of terrorism are overblown, but there is still a threat which could kill many hundreds. Do you think London is that different to Paris or Nice? The difference in results is just as likely to be good intelligence than any reduction in the threat.


And the UK's Muslim community is likely feeling even more isolated & put upon at the moment. Islamists see that as good for their recruiting and ability to work unhindered.


Now, quite definitely isn't a time for complacency. 100s of lives could be affected if policing missed just a single cell of less than 5 people.

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Just on the Assange thing, I did laugh at this http://motherboard.vice.com/read/hotspot-vigilantes-are-trying-to-beam-the-internet-to-julian-assange


I bet Assange is kicking himself now for the whole wikileaks thing, which has so far resulted in zero useful changes to the world. Snowden too


And that has is no way been the result of the media slur campaign and the various governments caught with their pants down, actively trying to either "get" Assange, or completely deny/distance themselves from the information he released.


As the old saying goes, "governments should be afraid of the people, not the other way around".

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I guess so, not exactly changing the world though.

Snowden: "OH LOOK, PRISM"

Most of the world: "Yeah, we'd have been more surprised if it didn't exist to be fair"


Most of the world: "Yup, like we said, more surprised if they didn't"

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