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Putin's Russia and the New Cold War


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Any chance of quoting a few of your media sources pongo? It's just that i can't actually believe you have evaluated proceedings over the last few years and come to your conclusions yourself. You would make a good german for sure



I try to read many different sources representing a wide range of opinion. The depressing pattern I see everywhere is that many people are being sucked into a world view which is built around an unquestioning belief in conspiracy theories. It's all over the comments everywhere - the propagation of a lazy, inaccurate and pessimistic belief in elites, shadow governments and evil foreign capitalists which has echoes of the 1930s.

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Invasion of the troll armies: from Russian Trump supporters to Turkish state stooges



there are thousands of them out there, pretending to be us. They may be at home, or in special offices, or sitting beside you on the train. They use social media, and write blogs and comments

... manipulating social media has become part of the business of government. It may yet influence how governments are formed ... many of Donald Trumps most fervent online supporters are not themselves Americans, but Russians being paid by their government to help him win.

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This should calm those over aggressive ruskies down a bit. Bloody buggers they are. and making us announce it on remembrance sunday too. Don't these russians remember we won the war for their freedom? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3931076/Britain-deploy-batteries-high-precision-long-range-missiles-Russian-s-border-time-Cold-War.html

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Stinky - do you really think Putin's little green men haven't created an acceptable level of violence to advance Putin's agenda over the last few years?


I'd call occupying a part of a country and fermenting civil war in other parts of it is an aggressive act.


Plus if you think the Baltic Republics should be blasé about their security (do you think the cyber attacks were just an internet glitch?) you clearly don't know much about their history. The Baltic republics know all about the Bears embrace are are actively trying to find ways to ensure their sovereignty is maintained. They've lost it previously. Do you really discount their current concerns?

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