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Putin's Russia and the New Cold War


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When it comes to my gut feeling about who's side I'm on it tends to be for those who allow for freedom of expression and are tolerant of dissent.


I'm on the side of the Dada-ists against the Nazis; the internet against the Chinese and Saudis; Piss-Christ and Elephant dung Madonnas against Rudi Guilliani and Cardinal Pell: and so I'm not too surprised when I read about president Putin's response to this image. Sums up the man's policies pretty well.




It is now illegal in Russia to distribute any images that depict President Vladimir Putin wearing makeup and implying he is gay.

The Justice Ministry in Moscow has included one of them among a registry of "extremist materials,"
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It's a difficult one. I don't like censorship but I don't like that sort of crass caricature either. A pity that there aren't adults on both sides of the debate really. Wouldn't it be good if we all had the right to do distasteful things but we simply didn't because we all knew better?

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One side produce an image and wish to be left alone, the other side use the force of the state to enforce their view of society and violently beat people up for their sexuality. Not a particularly difficult one for me.

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I would rather putin in charge of russia than trump in charge of russia. How about you chinahand?

I doubt Trump could understand Russia's riddle within an enigma etc.


But Putin has strangled Russia's hopes of constitutional governance at birth. Having constitution governance is vital to a stable polity over generations. You need to have systems in place which can handle transitions of power, and policy formation and reversal which exist outside of the personal power of the strongman.


Russia has totally failed to do that and as a result is in a very unstable equilibrium.


Lxxx made a reference to this sort of thing recently talking about Egypt and the Middle East - claiming they were unsuited to democracy. That is a genuine problem - building systems of trust and turning family, clan and power networks into something which will accept outside political control isn't easy.


Stable government can only really be based on the consent of the governed. Putin repudiates that - claiming the governed are incapable of understanding.


Strongmen and authoritarians the world over juvenile their societies - cutting out civil society and rather relying on networks not that dissimilar to the mafia - based on family, clan, money, mutual interest and violence.


It breeds a corrupt society and genuinely is quite different from the political system in the west. Putin et al have been very successful claiming their system of governance is no different from ours, and Stinky it looks to me like you've bought into it, along with rmanx and many of the usual suspects.


It isn't true, and even at its most extreme, is claiming a wolf is an Alsatian. They are very different.


I'm very glad I don't live in Russia, it is nothing like the US to work and thrive there, so no Trump should keep out. But Putin is no answer either.

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