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Putin's Russia and the New Cold War


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If i was Putin and it was christmas and i was playing the board game Risk, as Russia, I'd be kicking the whole fucking game over and storming off in a huff right now..Iran is gone shortly, China pretty reliant on the other team buying their shit, cant be relied upon..Fuck it. It's a shit game, didnt want to play anyway.


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Thank fuck you in cornwall


He'll see the subs coming down the Irish Sea with his SIGINT setup in his bedroom....next to his picture of the Isle of Man that he cries himself to sleep looking at every night...



... while masturbating

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I like Putin. I think he's a good man and a patriot to his country. He's already self-made and didn't need to enter politics. He's in it for the good of his country. If only our own leaders could claim the same.

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I am not a sock puppet, Chinahand. I am expressing my genuine views. Why is saying Putin is a good leader such a controversial statement? Are you so narrow minded that you believe we must automatically hate the leader of Russia just because our media is trying to delude us into believing they are our enemy? Putin is doing what he has to do for the good of his country. He is a real leader. What we have here are career politicians at best.

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Navy wise, they have a lot - you'd need all of Europe pulling together to fight against the Russian Navy. Wouldn't stand a chance against the Americans though.



Realistically they could cause a hell of a lot of damage but the border states are the ones who would suffer most before Europe kicked it's ass into gear.

Nobody stands a chance against the Americans if the Americans seriously throw the kitchen sink at it.


Russia could cause damage in Eastern Europe and the question must be if rather than when Europe kicked its ass into gear.

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I don't assume it and I have no way of knowing their intentions. It is a fact that Russia is now more assertive than at any time since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ukraine would no doubt attest to this. Russia sees events of the last 20 years as rubbing their noses in the dirt. For instance, the NATO membership of the Baltic states in what they see as their natural sphere of infuence. It is prudent to consider all scenarios as possibilities and a far better idea to do that than be caught out by surprise.

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I've no interest in being an apologist for Russia but we're talking about their backyard here. What is our business in the area, other than trying to undermine Russia? The Yanks nearly brought about the Apocalypse during the Cuban Missile Crisis because the Soviets even considered having one minor proxy military installation in the western hemisphere, while the Yanks had thousands of such installations encircling the Soviet Union. It seems we have a double standard policy of do as we say, not as we do. The Russians have been very laid back in comparison to our meddling in their sphere of influence.

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Wouldn't argue. I too admire some aspects of Putin's rule. He has given his people their pride back and this is reflected in his popularity. There is a lot that's wrong too though, but then it's Russia. Beautiful and fascinating country, but never a place for the faint-hearted.

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Wouldn't argue. I too admire some aspects of Putin's rule. He has given his people their pride back and this is reflected in his popularity. There is a lot that's wrong too though, but then it's Russia. Beautiful and fascinating country, but never a place for the faint-hearted.


Putin isn't the one who caused the problems Russia faced in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. You can thank the Yanks and the west for that.

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Wouldn't argue. I too admire some aspects of Putin's rule. He has given his people their pride back and this is reflected in his popularity. There is a lot that's wrong too though, but then it's Russia. Beautiful and fascinating country, but never a place for the faint-hearted.


Putin isn't the one who caused the problems Russia faced in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. You can thank the Yanks and the west for that.


Er, no. You can thank the Soviet Communist Party for it. They managed to bankrupt a country floating on wealth. Afterwards, central control was so weak that it was the "wild east" and the gangsters took over. The oligarchs are all Russian as far as I know.

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