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Putin's Russia and the New Cold War


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Gotta keep whipping the unwashed masses up so we can keep war spending nice and high.






As usual your understanding on the subject is laughable.





as is your attempted patronising post IMO , certainly made me giggle.


Just saying

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When did we invade Syria?


British war planes entered Syrian Airspace (uninvited and unwelcomed) within minutes of the result of the vote to begin operations (not surprisingly, the flight of 4 Tornadoes (2 sets of 2) were already on the tarmac ready to launch....rather handy given the result of the vote) at the beginning of December 2015.


Our forces crossed in to the sovereign territory of another country. Can you image the uproar if Syrian or Russian jets waltzed in and started bombing Douglas or London?


Not to mention that photos surfaced earlier in the year showing British forces in Syria, although in a "training" capacity.

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The West has wanted Assad gone for a long time, hence the chemical weapons ruse as well as him turning on his people. Just like Iraq, Libya and now Syria, what was once a thriving region is now turning to rubble and anarchy. Sad really.

We went to Lebanon a few years ago for a few days whilst we were holidaying in the middle east and it was a lovely country, with a culture just like we envisaged and a diverse range of hospitable people. I fear that country will be next though after they've razed Syria to the ground.

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Its quite simple really.


Destabilise a country, back one side in the conflict while reducing the countries ability to defend or support itself (under the guise of "helping"), and then move onto the next.


The West is destroying Arab nations ability to defend themselves, and reducing their ability to stand united when "we" move it to monopolise the resources (i.e. oil).

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Oh good, now the British Government is trying to orchestrate World War 3...


(Most likely its toothless sabre rattling, but all it takes is one mistake and BOOM!!!)


To be fair mate there's more chance of you getting caught at work and cautioned for excessive internet useage than WWIII happening anytime soon.

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The West has wanted Assad gone for a long time, hence the chemical weapons ruse as well as him turning on his people. Just like Iraq, Libya and now Syria, what was once a thriving region is now turning to rubble and anarchy. Sad really.

We went to Lebanon a few years ago for a few days whilst we were holidaying in the middle east and it was a lovely country, with a culture just like we envisaged and a diverse range of hospitable people. I fear that country will be next though after they've razed Syria to the ground.

Yes. Have been to Beirut with a native and travelled around the country. Once known as the Paris of the north until it was almost destroyed in the 80s. Strange that it is an oasis of calm. For now.

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Toyota trucks aren’t all ISIS has managed to buy, capture or scavenge from us. In June, CNBC reported that so far we’ve accidentally furnished the Islamic State with at least $219.7 million worth of weapons, vehicles and other military supplies and gear — and that’s just the stuff we know about.

Based on various reports, CNBC came up with the following laundry list of supplies the U.S. has so kindly provided to ISIS so far.

  • 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles at $70,000 each: $16 million
  • 40 M1A1 Abram tanks at $4.3 million each: $172 million
  • 52 M198 Howitzer mobile gun systems at $527,337 each: $2.7 million
  • 74,000 Army machine guns at $4,000 each: $29 million

TOTAL: $219.7 MILLION in military weapons, vehicles, and other supplies and gear for ISIS.

How does the Islamic State get hold of all these U.S. weapons? We deliver them, either directly or through the tattered remnants of Iraq’s military. Jeremy Salt, a political analyst in Ankara, Turkey, gives RT.Com quite the scathing earful:

“Do you think the Islamic State’s advance would have been so successful without access to this U.S. military hardware by mistake, by default? Let me just briefly revise the history of American blunder over the past couple of years with regard to weapons ending up in the hands of Islamic State.”

Salt then reminded us of our nation’s major blunders for supplying weapons to ISIS for the past couple of years.

  • Accidental air-dropping of weapons and supplies intended for the Syrian Kurds into Islamic State territory.
  • This didn’t just happen once, it happened several times.
  • Weapons and supplies seized by ISIS during the falls of Mosul (Iraq), Ramadi (Iraq), AND Palmyra (Syria).
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The British government has also admittedly supplied a number of vehicles to terrorists fighting inside of Syria. The British Independent’s 2013 article titled, “Revealed: What the West has given Syria’s rebels,” reported that (emphasis added):

So far the UK has sent around £8m of “non-lethal” aid, according to official papers seen by The Independent, comprising five 4×4 vehicles with ballistic protection; 20 sets of body armour; four trucks (three 25 tonne, one 20 tonne); six 4×4 SUVs; five non-armoured pick-ups; one recovery vehicle; four fork-lifts; three advanced “resilience kits” for region hubs, designed to rescue people in emergencies; 130 solar powered batteries; around 400 radios; water purification and rubbish collection kits; laptops; VSATs (small satellite systems for data communications) and printers.

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Its quite simple really.


Destabilise a country, back one side in the conflict while reducing the countries ability to defend or support itself (under the guise of "helping"), and then move onto the next.


The West is destroying Arab nations ability to defend themselves, and reducing their ability to stand united when "we" move it to monopolise the resources (i.e. oil).

Goodness you really have one jaundiced view of the west. You think Syria is the way it is because the US wants to monopolise its oil resources?

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