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Why do offshore tax havens still exist?


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Interesting read. Even Murphy makes some good points for a change. As for the USA, they should sort out Delaware before they point the finger elsewhere. I've always believed in country by country reporting and taxation for multi-nationals. You trade here, you pay tax here on that business before any artificial upstreaming. Don't like it? Don't trade here.

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Why do tax havens still exist? There are numerous reasons. One of which is to legally transfer money/technology to parties that your home country can't be party too. Another is to have a safe haven where your money can't really be touched if your home government is corrupt and raiding banks.


Either way, a lot of it is legal. Tax havens exist because they are generally small self governing areas that want to bring money in and have the ability to offer things bigger countries can't.

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Come after the rock for what, exactly?

Providing a tax shelter for people who should be paying US taxes.



Like Delaware or the Caymans or the City of London?


You'll have trouble with Spook because he is delusional.


The Cayman Islands holds more money than all the offshore "tax havens" added together.


The USA really couldn't give a shit about the Isle of Man. a huge percentage of the money they were looking for was stashed in Switzerland and as you say they should start in Delaware.


There is very little money for US based US nationals lurking in the Isle of Man.


And Richard Murphy is a prick who should change the outdated and boring record.

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