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Premiership 2015/16


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Zidane was a truly great player. Truely great.


Aside of that, part of the reason they hoofed Rafa now (according to Ramon Calderon) was that if they did it before 15th January he got 1 years salary pay off. After it was 2 years. His record was fine but one or two of their ego's won't like his style or methods.


Real Madrid bring it upon themselves. Ancelotti should never have been sacked. Their approach has wasted the goal scoring power of the worlds best player. Imagine having a player that has scored nearly 340 goals in 6.5 seasons and only finding one league title, a champions league and a couple of minor cups. Madness.

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I better make the most of the premiership thread this year. I won't have a horse in the race next season :-(


It's rough at Villa Park.


Employing Alex McLeish has got to go down as one of the most insane decisions ever taken in football by anyone, and one which set Villa on this slow miserable collapse.

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Not really. Villa's collapse is down to money. They have, or had, a wage bill to turnover ratio of about 93% at one point. Damage done before AM arrived.

So, they invested very little over the last 5 years in the squad relying on youth and the odd gem of a purchase (like Benteke). Losing Vlaar, Delph and Benteke (who has kept them up for two years) in the summer was a fatal blow to them. Whilst I don't think they are particurlarly great players they are decent enough PL quality and the spine of the Villa team.


The summer spending and recruitment seemed very random and when you bring in a load of players (especially foreigners who often don't settle immediately) into what you know will be a lower half dog fight then it's set up to go wrong. I've no clue why Garde would take that job. It's impossible.

Shame for Villa but it was coming.

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Is the destination of Mourinho's career dependent on the outcome of Carneiro's constructive dismissal case?


It's not the sort of left field question you'd want to justify at interview, assuming that the timing of the court case doesn't clash and that you're able to attend the interview.


Could prove instrumental into why Jose got summarily axed.






edit: sp

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