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It appears to be running wild.... brother..... all over the UK


Does anyone know his stance on places like the Isle of Man should he become the leader of the opposition?

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Have to say that , unusually for a politician, what you see is what you get.


He is an excellent MP in relation to helping his constituents ( MP for Islington , Holloway end). He was my MP when I lived in London and although I never met him I cannot say I heard anyone criticise him.


That said his ideas are towards the 'left' and many of the young like his ideas and have joined the Labour Party as they despise Blair and those that , in their eyes , took the party over as "new labour".

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Personally I have found him to be a breath of fresh air in UK politics and have enjoyed listening to his interviews and comments. He's someone I think who would win my vote rather than my apathy in the UK like so many other politicians.


However, I do wonder if he will be negative towards the crown dependencies - I've not heard him say anything regarding that or his policies in that area yet.


AT - what makes you think it would be bad news for us?

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Personally I have found him to be a breath of fresh air in UK politics and have enjoyed listening to his interviews and comments. He's someone I think who would win my vote rather than my apathy in the UK like so many other politicians.


However, I do wonder if he will be negative towards the crown dependencies - I've not heard him say anything regarding that or his policies in that area yet.


AT - what makes you think it would be bad news for us?

A massive attack on tax avoidance. He estimates grabbing £120bn.
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Personally I have found him to be a breath of fresh air in UK politics and have enjoyed listening to his interviews and comments. He's someone I think who would win my vote rather than my apathy in the UK like so many other politicians.


However, I do wonder if he will be negative towards the crown dependencies - I've not heard him say anything regarding that or his policies in that area yet.


AT - what makes you think it would be bad news for us?

A massive attack on tax avoidance. He estimates grabbing £120bn.



There is that side to it certainly - I found his policies to be more blunt in their approach to the higher earners though. Attacking the crown dependencies seems to be a good way of appearing tough on tax evasion whilst actually letting the donators etc in the UK off the hook. Corbyn seems to have bigger fish to fry than us?

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It's not just Corbyn, detestable as he is on his own. It's the creatures that will slime in on his coat tails.


Judge Corbyn from the company the he keeps and the atrocities he refuses to condemn. Then add the promises that he is making that simply can not be kept without bringing further ruination on the UK.


The creep makes even Galloway look acceptable (which he certainly is not).

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Judge Corbyn from the company the he keeps and the atrocities he refuses to condemn.


are you referring to his answers to the Northern Irish Radio station who asked him to condemn the IRA?

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