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Goodness gracious (from PK's article):


Bank [of England] independence “has always been a charade” and was introduced to “appease the bond markets”.

If international investors took fright, driving up the cost of serving the UK’s £1.5trn in government debt, he would simply order Threadneedle Street to start creating money and buying up gilts. “We could sit out the bond markets for as long as we wished. We would simply restart QE.”


[Murphy] insists there would be no sterling crisis if Corbyn were swept to power in 2020: another deep-seated dread of Labour politicians who fear the wrath of the City. “The sterling crisis would pass very quickly, because everything reverts to the mean, and the mean would be ‘what are the fundamental trading levels for sterling?’” says Murphy.

You need to stick to science. You suck at economics.
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What I don't understand about the left is its lack of understanding that EVERYBODY sees taxation as a cost.


This isn't just the view of right wing economists - it's the view of everyone from brickies to billionaires, shop-keepers to celebrity goal-keepers, Captains of Industry to Captain Birdseye.


Taxing people more makes them adjust their behaviour. They have less money to spend, save or invest.


Sure it's great if your a civil servant, but even they don't like handing over an ever increasing amount to HM Revenue.


Putting these middlemen in between you and the spending of your money only works when these middle men can spend your money more efficiently than you.


Does the UK electorate think Corbyn and the Civil Service can really do this?


Corbyn wants to invest more in the railways (... above and beyond HS2 and Cross Rail?); put the Utilities under State control; and reopen Coal mines.


No doubt he can spend our money, but how will this create value compared to us spending it ourselves.


There's a reason why the only people willing to invest in Coal mining are romantic left wingers wanting to spend other people's money - everyone else knows it's simply a way of wasting it.

Can't agree with you there - I view tax as a necessity that should be used to fund essential services, conserve and enhance our natural environment and prop up the under privileged. I've never resented paying it but deeply resent the many unethical ways governments spend it and the money-grubbing bastards who avoid paying it.
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I've never resented paying it but deeply resent the many unethical ways governments spend it and the money-grubbing bastards who avoid paying it.

Money grabbing bastards who avoid paying tax ...... you mean the main economic drivers of the Manx economy?


From which we have all benefited over the past 25yrs, or at least would have benefited had we not been governed by a bunch of profligate halfwits !

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What I don't understand about the left is its lack of understanding that EVERYBODY sees taxation as a cost.


Taxing people more makes them adjust their behaviour. They have less money to spend, save or invest.


Can't agree with you there - I view tax as a necessity that should be used to fund essential services, conserve and enhance our natural environment and prop up the under privileged. I've never resented paying it but deeply resent the many unethical ways governments spend it and the money-grubbing bastards who avoid paying it.


Many costs are necessary, and are paid knowing that the exchange is beneficial, but even so that does not stop it being a cost which people weigh up with their other calls and needs. Snaipyr, if VAT goes up, or you're moved from one tax band to another you'll have to make adjustments. It is a cost.


Paying for essential services, conserving and enhancing our natural environment and helping the under-privileged are things we are willing to make adjustments for, but sadly Governments do many many other things, many of them impose a cost on us with very little benefit in return.


I don't think we are really disagreeing ... you lament how government's spend what you have handed over to them, at what cost to you.


The Left simply doesn't get that.

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Murphy is on another planet as far as economics is concerned. His business - like most economists - is telling people what they want to hear for a fee. He's been doing stuff for the unions for years.


Hates the island as well doesn't he. We must have kept him up at night all these years, poor soul.

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Murphy is on another planet as far as economics is concerned. His business - like most economists - is telling people what they want to hear for a fee. He's been doing stuff for the unions for years.


Hates the island as well doesn't he. We must have kept him up at night all these years, poor soul.



Now you're having a laugh!


He loves the place. After all, he plays it as a major Murphy win....!

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