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I like the fact he didn't sing the national anthem even though he knew the "media" slime fest of hypocrisy which would surely and has followed ..Cameron would have sang it whatever his views


Would he? Or are you just saying that because you don't like him? :)

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I like PMQ's because of the posturing and grand standing. Nothing really is discussed in substance it's all a bit of theatre. So this Trotskyite has his first opportunity to show his worth to his 'adoring' public and what does he do, he reads other people's questions. Has the man who is apparently the second coming not got any views for himself,? Why have they voted this fella in.?


It's like when some non entity like the local bobby comes to your school assembly to answer your questions and then asking whats his favourite colour or favourite number....

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I like PMQ's because of the posturing and grand standing. Nothing really is discussed in substance it's all a bit of theatre. So this Trotskyite has his first opportunity to show his worth to his 'adoring' public and what does he do, he reads other people's questions. Has the man who is apparently the second coming not got any views for himself,? Why have they voted this fella in.?


It's like when some non entity like the local bobby comes to your school assembly to answer your questions and then asking whats his favourite colour or favourite number....


Can you clarify why you're calling him a Trotskyite as opposed to a general fuckwitite?

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Personally I have found him to be a breath of fresh air in UK politics and have enjoyed listening to his interviews and comments. He's someone I think who would win my vote rather than my apathy in the UK like so many other politicians.


However, I do wonder if he will be negative towards the crown dependencies - I've not heard him say anything regarding that or his policies in that area yet.


AT - what makes you think it would be bad news for us?

A massive attack on tax avoidance. He estimates grabbing £120bn.

He'll be staggeringly disappointed then.


Just as the current government have been. Certainly in relation to 'tax havens'.


Now if he was attacking avoidance on his own doorstep that's a different matter.

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Maybe he doesn't sing (y'know like some people don't dance). Oh hang on a mo.... didn't he give a good rendition of The Red Flag? (Sort of answers post #160).


I have many sympathies with the party he leads and think he should be given a chance. Not for too long though.


Edit: unless he gets his act together very quickly, his party are likely to need even more of my sympathies as he appears to be a bit of a clown so far. His bit on the telly last night when he 'realised' he was going to have to kneel before the queen was absolutely cringeworthy.

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Personally I have found him to be a breath of fresh air in UK politics and have enjoyed listening to his interviews and comments. He's someone I think who would win my vote rather than my apathy in the UK like so many other politicians.


However, I do wonder if he will be negative towards the crown dependencies - I've not heard him say anything regarding that or his policies in that area yet.


AT - what makes you think it would be bad news for us?

A massive attack on tax avoidance. He estimates grabbing £120bn.

He'll be staggeringly disappointed then.


Just as the current government have been. Certainly in relation to 'tax havens'.


Now if he was attacking avoidance on his own doorstep that's a different matter.


Of course he hasn't come up with the figure of £120bn by himself. He doesn't have that many fingers and toes. It's our old friend Dick Murphy who has worked it out. Total cobblers of course. Unless, as Notwell suggests, he's going to scrutinise multinationals' earnings within the UK that are taxed elsewehere.

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Of course he hasn't come up with the figure of £120bn by himself. He doesn't have that many fingers and toes. It's our old friend Dick Murphy who has worked it out.

Murphy confirmed as being one of Corbyn's advisers on the wireless this morning.

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It makes me smile the way the likes of The Sun, The Wail etc are getting ever more shrill and hysterical over what's essentially f-all.


It looks to me as though the man has principles. What a refreshing change in today's Westminster.

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