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Not looking too good for Jezza. He has become the first ever Labour leader to 'score' a negative result in debut poll-ratings. A minus result, to boot, worse than Michael Foot!. He obviously has a long road ahead, if he survives long enough ...

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I don't think he really wants the role. He'll do it for a couple of years, review the party structure, approach policy matters as a blank canvas, have internal debate, refresh the party, then some one else will come in. Then a re-envigorated Labour can have two years to run at the Tories.



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You're unrealistic if you think him leaving without fighting an election won't be seen as a major defeat.


I don't think he controls his "story" enough for it not to be portrayed as a shambles. The electorate needs to see a Prime Minister-in-waiting managing his party and policy agenda.


Labour is going to have real difficulty doing that.

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I doubt it. Anyone likely to vote for Corbyn wouldn't have been considering voting Tory in the first place. Corbyn has a certain appeal to a certain demographic. I don't think that includes swing voters.

He has the highest number of Labour Party votes behind him for any Post War Labour Leader. It's just the sellout New Labour grandees who can't stand him because he stands for all the values they have since jettisoned in their clamour for power.

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But selling out those ideas was the only way they could get power. How does he square that circle? There aren't enough have nots to vote him into power in a general election.


At the moment he is preaching to the converted. The unions, the left, the young and the naive. It is not a naturally left wing country.

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But selling out those ideas was the only way they could get power. How does he square that circle? There aren't enough have nots to vote him into power in a general election.


At the moment he is preaching to the converted. The unions, the left, the young and the naive. It is not a naturally left wing country.



The expression, 'sixth-form-socialism', used to describe his speech, made me chuckle. Now it emerges that some of his ramblings were lifted from a 1980's draft.


Crap. he won't last, only the die-hard dufflers will stay with him, the dreamers who see him to be the last bastion of leftist utopianism.

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The Unions have already found a weak spot with him over Trident.


Imagine what would happen after the nationalisation of the railways and the utilities etc? The Unions will rip him and the country to shreds.


The collapse of the economy back in the 60's & 70's will pale into insignificance if he ever gets into No. 10.


Sadly most of his research entourage weren't even a twinkle in their parents eye during that period so none of them will have experienced things like the three day week and power cuts.

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The Unions have already found a weak spot with him over Trident.


Imagine what would happen after the nationalisation of the railways and the utilities etc? The Unions will rip him and the country to shreds.


The collapse of the economy back in the 60's & 70's will pale into insignificance if he ever gets into No. 10.


Sadly most of his research entourage weren't even a twinkle in their parents eye during that period so none of them will have experienced things like the three day week and power cuts.

Yes. The same way that war recurs. Living memory dies off and the same mistakes are made time and again.

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And now he says he hasn't decided whether or not there will be a renewal of Trident. There has to be a debate. However he announces in advance to the world, that as PM, he would never, ever use it. It would kill the enemy's civilians. What a master strategist. What a statesman. What a tit.

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